Tamil Nadu – Enhanced Rate of DA from 1st July 2015 โ€“ Orders Issued

Tamil Nadu – Enhanced Rate of DA from 1st July 2015 –ย The Treasury Officers / Pay and Accounts Officers shall make paymentย of the revised Dearness Allowance when bills are presented without waitingย for the authorization from the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Tamilย Nadu, Chennai-18.

The revised Dearness Allowance sanctioned in this order shall alsoย apply to the teaching and non-teaching staff working in aided educationalย institutions, employees under local bodies, employees governed by theย University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Educationย scales of pay, the Teachers/Physical Education Directors/Librarians inย Government and Aided Polytechnics and Special Diploma Institutions, Villageย Assistants in Revenue Department, Noon Meal Organisers, Child Welfareย Organisers, Anganwadi Workers, Cooks, Helpers, Panchayatย Secretaries/Clerks in Village Panchayat under Rural Development andย Panchayat Raj Department and Sanitary Workers drawing special time scaleย of pay.

The expenditure shall be debited to the detailed head of account `03.ย Dearness Allowance’ under the relevant minor, sub-major and major heads ofย account.

The Treasury Officers / Pay and Accounts Officers shall make paymentย of the revised Dearness Allowance when bills are presented without waitingย for the authorization from the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Tamilย Nadu, Chennai-18.

Read Order No.1 Issued today (16th Oct, 2015) :ย http://cms.tn.gov.in/site/fin_e_262_2015.pdf

Read Order No.2 Issued Today (16th Oct, 2015) :ย http://cms.tn.gov.in/gos/fin_e_263_2015.pdf

Source: TN Govt.in

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