Submission of Certificates by Tamilnadu State Government Pensioners

Submission of Certificates by the Tamilnadu State Government Pensioners and Family Pensioners with additional information to update master data in e-Pensionย Portals

TN Government issued a GO for submission of additional information by Pensioners and Family Pensioners to update in the Master data in E-Pension Portals. Abstract reproduced.

G.O.No.103, Dated 31st March, 2015.
(Jaya, Panguni-17, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2046)


PENSION / FAMILY PENSION โ€“ Submission of Certificates by the Pensioners and Family Pensioners with additional information to update master data in e-Pension Portals – ย Revised Format – Orders โ€“ Issued.


1. G.O.Ms.No.456, Finance (Pension) Department, dated: 30-06-1988.

2. G.O.Ms.No.212, Finance (Pension) Department, dated: 24-05-2001.

3. From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts Letter No.3020 /

2014 / R1, dated: 24-02-2015.



In the Government Order second read above, orders were issued to the effect that all State Government Pensioners including Family Pensioners who are drawing their pension / family pension through the banks under โ€œPension Pilot Schemeโ€ (i.e. payment of pension / family pension are being made to the Pensioner / Family Pensioner in Chennai City by Pension Pay Office, Chennai and Treasuries and Sub-Treasuries ย inย  ย mofussil) ย shall ย furnish ย Life ย Certificate, Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate in the prescribed format at any time during the months of April, May and June every yearย to the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned after duly getting it attested by an attesting authority. ย It was also ordered that if the Pensioners / Family Pensioners do not submit the said certificate on or before 30thย  June, the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned shall ย call ย for annual mustering of ย the ย Pensioners / ย Family Pensioners during the month of July every year for personal appearance. If the Pensionersย / Familyย  ย Pensionersย neitherย submitย theirย Lifeย  ย Certificate, Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate nor appear before the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned for annual mustering, the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned shall stop the payment of pension / family pension with effect from the month of August and the payment of pension / family pension will resume either only on submission of the said certificate or the Pensioner / Family Pensioner appearing in person before the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned.

2. In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued to the effect that all State Government Pensioners including Family Pensioners who are drawing their pension / family pension directly from the banks under โ€œPublic Sector Bank Schemeโ€ (i.e. payment of pension / family pension are being made to the Pensioner / ย Family ย Pensioner ย directly ย by ย the ย Public ย Sector ย Banks)ย ย  ย shall ย furnish ย Life Certificate, Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate in the prescribed format in the month of November every year to ensure continued receipt of pension / family pension without interruption to the Pension Paying Branch of the Public Sector Banks. The Pensioner / Family Pensioner can also present himself / herself at any branch of the pension paying bank for being identified for issue of life certificate. In case a Pensioner / Family Pensioner is unable to obtain a Life Certificate on account of serious illness / in capacitation, bankย  official shallย  visit ย his ย / ย her ย residence / ย hospital for ย the purpose ofย  obtaining the life certificate.ย  ย The pension paying branch shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate.

3. In the reference third read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts has stated that in order to alleviate the hardship caused to Pensioners / Family Pensioners, a web-enabled software to process the pension payment and to have a Centralized Database of the Pensioners / Family Pensioner is to be implemented in districts and Pension Pay Office, Chennai. It is also proposed to have a digital life certificate based on Aadhaar Biometric Authentication, aimed at further simplifying the process of submission of life certificate and facilitating accuracy and timely disbursal of pension / family pension. In order to facilitate implementation of this facility, some additional information of Pensioners / Family Pensioners are required to update the master database.ย  ย The Director of Treasuries and Accounts has requested for approval of the revised format of Life Certificate with photo and additional information of Pensioners / Family Pensioners.

4. Government, accordingly approve the revised format of Life Certificate with photo and additional information of Pensioners / Family Pensioners as in Annexure-I to III to this order to update master data of the Pensioners / Family Pensioners.

5. Government direct that all State Government Pensioners including Family Pensioners who are drawing their pension / family pension through the banks under โ€œPension Pilot Schemeโ€ shall furnish additional information along with Life Certificateย  ย withย  ย photo,ย  ย Non employmentย  ย /ย  ย Re-employmentย  ย Certificateย  ย and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate, as the case may be, in the prescribed format as in Annexure-I to III to this order at any time during the months of April, May and June of this year to the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned after duly getting it attested by an attesting authority or at the time of annual mustering of the Pensioners / Family Pensioners during the month of July for personal appearance.

6. Government also direct that all State Government Pensioners including Family Pensioners who are drawing their pension / family pension directly from the banks under โ€œPublic Sector Bank (PSB) Schemeโ€ย  ย shall furnish additional informationย  ย alongย  ย withย  ย Lifeย  ย Certificateย  ย withย  ย photo,ย  ย Non-employmentย  ย / Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate, as the case may be, in the prescribed format as in Annexure-I to III to this order during the month of November of this year to the Pension Paying Branch of the Public Sector Bank concerned. ย The Pension Paying Branch Managers shall update the master data of the Pensioners / Family Pensioners based on the additional information furnished by the Pensioner / Family Pensioner and send the Life Certificate ย with ย photo ย and ย additional ย informationย  to ย the ย Pension ย Pay ย Office, Chennai, ย District ย Treasuries ย and ย Sub-Treasuriesย  concerned ย for ย updating ย the master data of the Pensioner / Family Pensioner drawing pension / family pension through Public Sector Bank Scheme.

7. The additional information (as in Part-B of Annexure-I) shall be furnished by ย the ย Pensioners ย / ย Family ย Pensionersย  as ย a ย onetime ย measure ย i.e. ย during submission of Life Certificate or during annual mustering for this year or at the time of first payment of pension after retirement or at the time of first payment of family pension to the eligible family member. ย Any information, not available at the time of submission, shall be submitted as and when they become available.

8. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts shall take necessary action for intimating the Pensioners / Family Pensioners to furnish the additional information along ย with ย Life ย Certificate ย with ย photo, ย Non-employment ย /ย ย  Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate, as the case may be, in the prescribed format through a press release in newspapers and other media so as to reach the Pensioners / Family Pensioners well in advance. ย All Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers in districts, the Pension Pay Officer, Chennai-6 and all Bank Managers of Pension Paying Branches of the Public Sector Banks shall display the forms in the Notice Board of their respective offices.

9. The ย Director ย of ย Stationery ย and ย Printing ย shall ย print ย and ย supply ย the required forms as indented by Director of Treasuries and Accounts.


Download Tamilnadu Governmentย GO No. 103 dated 31.03.2015

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