Stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Employees

Stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Employees under CS(MA) Rules who are working in remote areas

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued an OM on Stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) being paid to the Central Government employees working in the interior/remote areas and their governance under CS(MA) Rules, 1944.

Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare


Nirrnan Bhawan, NewDelhi
Dated 3rd June, 2015.


Subject: Stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) being paid to the Central Government employees working in the interior/remote areas and their governance under CS(MA) Rules, 1944.

Reference is invited to OMNo.S-1402011/88-MS dated 17.07.1990 in which fixed medical allowance to the tune of Rs.25/-per month was granted to employee working in the interior/remote areas where no Authorized Medical Attendant was available within a radius of 5 kms, which was subsequently revised to the tune of Rs.l00/- per month vide OMF.No.14025/33/98-MS dated 18.01.1999.

2.On receiving a proposal from Ministry of Defence on the issue of medical reimbursement to employees who are in receipt of Fixed Medical Allowance, the matter was examined in the Ministry in consultation with Department of Expenditure and Department of Personnel & Training.

3.It has now been decided to stop the above mentioned Fixed Medical Allowance.ย  Henceforth, the Central Government employees residing in interior/remote areas will be governed by the extant rules as laid down under CS(MA) Rules, 1944.

4.This O.M. will be effective from the date of issue. After issuance of this OM,the above mentioned OMs i.e.,O.M. No.S-1402011/88-MS dated 17.07.1990 and O.M F.No.14025/33/98-MS dated 18.01.1999. stand withdrawn.

5.This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel &Training andย Department of Expenditure.

(Bindu Tewari)

Download Ministry of Health and Family Welfare OM No.S.14025/09/2013-MS 03.06.2015

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