Standardization and categorization of return reasons in PFMS line of revised Receipt and Payment Rules 2022: CGA

Standardization and categorization of return reasons in PFMS line of revised Receipt and Payment Rules 2022: CGA OM dated 02.05.2024
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Public Financial Management System
GIFMIS Vertical
File No. I-12005/1/2024-PFMS/e-16022/67
Subject:- Standardization and categorization of return reasons in line of revised Receipt and Payment Rules 2022.
Attention is invited towards para 2.5 “Procedure for returning the bills unpassed” of Civil Accounts Manual 2024. As emerged in various review meetings chaired by CGA, the reasons for the return of bills required standardisation and be made available in drop down menu for the convenience of PAOs.
2. Accordingly, based on data analysis of bill return reasons standard groups with related standard reasons structured in hierarchical order were created and has been configured in pre-filled drop down menu in the bill passing module of PFMS. This also has the facility of add reasons to accommodate specific unique reasons. This functionality will be available at Pay & Accounts Office users (DH/AAO/PAO) and Cheque Drawing & Disbursing Office (CDDO) users (DDO maker/DDOChecker/CDDO Admin). This process while being more informative would also facilitate an expeditious corrective action by Drawing and Disbursing Office (DDO) or Program Division (PD), as the case may be. The user manual of the process of selection of bill return reason in PFMS is also attached herewith.
3. All PrCCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge are requested to educate the concerned users and circulate the attached user manual for their guidance.
This issues with the approval of Competent authority.
Encl: As Above.
(Hemant Gupta)
Assistant Controller General of Accounts
All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (with independent charge)
Copy to:
1. PPS to CGA
2. PPS to Additional CGA, PFMS
3. Joint CGA (Oversight and Monitoring cell)
4. All Joint CGAs, PFMS Division
5. Joint CGA (TA)
6. Sr. Accounts officer, GIFMIS, O/o CGA for uploading on the website of CGA
Source: CGA