Scholarship for students of minority communities – Ministry of Minority Affairs

Scholarship for students belonging to economically weaker sections of the six notified minority communities – Register on National Scholarship Portal by September 30, 2020
Ministry of Minority Affairs
Scholarship for students of minority communities being offered by Minority Affairs Ministry
Educational Institutes where a minority student is studying should register themselves on National Scholarship Portal by September 30, 2020
Posted On: 10 SEP 2020 4:56 PM by PIB Mumbai
New Delhi/Mumbai, 10 September 2020
The Union Ministry of Minority Affairs is providing an opportunity to the students belonging to economically weaker sections of the six notified minority communities, that is, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Parsis, Muslim and Christian, for availing scholarships for the year 2020-21. There are three schemes for availing scholarship: Pre-matric, Post-matric and Merit-cum-Means schemes.
The eligibility conditions for availing these scholarship schemes are:
- The applicant should be a student of the notified minority communities
- The applicant should be pursuing studies in India in a Government or recognized Private University/Institute/College/School
- The course being pursued should be of minimum one-year duration
- The applicant should have secured minimum 50% marks in the last annual Board/Class examination.
In order to avail this opportunity, the applicants are advised to apply online against any one of the scholarship schemes, on the website of the National Scholarship Portal at A link to the site is also available on the website of the Ministry ( and mobile app National Scholarships (NSP).
The last date for submission of online application for fresh scholarship (first time applicant) as well as renewal of scholarship (applicant who has been given scholarship in 2019-20) under all the three schemes is October 31, 2020.
Detailed instructions for filling in the online application and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available on the National Scholarship Portal homepage. Applicants are advised to give details of only active bank account which remains in active mode and is compliant as per bank’s instructions so that payment of scholarship does not fail.
All universities, institutes, colleges and schools where a minority student is studying, are also advised, to get themselves registered (if not done earlier) on National Scholarship Portal by September 30, 2020.
A candidate may contact for clearing doubts regarding the scholarship schemes in Samadhaan Toll-free Helpline Number 1800-11-2001 from Monday to Friday, except holidays, between 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM.
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Source: PIB