RPSC SI Result & Cut-Off Marks for PET 2019 Released

RPSC SI Result & Cut-Off Marks for PET 2019 Released; Check at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the results of Sub Inspector (SI) recruitment examination on its official website, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. Candidates can check the RPSC SI Result 2019 on the official website, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The RPSC conducted the joint competitive exam for Sub Inspector on October 7, 2018 at various test centres across the state.
Click here to check RPSC SI Result & Cut-Off Marks for PET 2019
RPSC has released the roll number of candidates who have been provisionally selected for the physical efficiency test (PET). A total of 11346 candidates have been shortlisted for PET. RPSC has also released the cutoff marks for the exam.
The RPSC SI recruitment examination is being held to fill a total of 494 posts of Sub Inspector / Platoon Commander under Clerk Class and Class IV service under TSP and Non TASP, Rajasthan Police Subordinate Service Rules.
How to check RPSC SI Result & Cut-Off Marks 2019?
- Visit the official website of RPSC, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
- On the homepage under News & Events Section, click on the link “Result Preamble and Cutoff Marks(For Physical Efficiency Test) Of Sub Inspector Comb. Comp. Exam 2016”
- A pdf file will open containing the Roll numbers of selected candidates for the next round will be displayed
- Check your roll number and cut-off marks in the list
- Download it and take print out of the same for future use.
Sub Inspector / Platoon Commander Exam 2016: Cut-off marks for Male Post
- General category: 201.90
- General (TSP): 201.90
- SC category: 161.89
- ST: 164.96
- ST (TSP): 155.36
- OBC: 201.90
- MBC: 201.90
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Best wishes – Gconnect