Revision of meal charges for officers/officials of Parliament Unit engaged in Parliamentary work/duties

Revision of meal charges for officers/officials of Parliament Unit engaged in Parliamentary work/duties during Parliament Sessions: DOT OM dated 16.11.2021
No. 1/1/2014-15/Fin.(Pt-II)
Ministry of Communication
Department of Telecommunications
(Integrated Finance Division)
Dated: 16 November, 2021
Subject: Revision of meal charges for officers/officials of Parliament Unit engaged in Parliamentary work/duties during Parliament Sessions.
The undersigned is directed to convey the concurrence of Member (Finance) and approval of Secretary (T) to delegate financial power to DDG (C&A), DoT HQ in the under-mentioned item of expenditure as under:-
Sl. No. | Particular of expenditure head | Extent of power |
1. | Meal charges to officers/officials of Parliament unit engaged in Parliamentary work/duties during Parliament Sessions. | Ceiling of Rs.500/- per person per night. |
The exercise of financial power shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) The power mentioned herein shall be exercised by the DDG (C&A) as per delegation of financial powers within DoT HQ issued from time to time and availability of fund under the relevant head of account.
b) These powers will be subject to relevant Govt. rules, orders, instructions, procedure prescribed by Government from time to time, GFR-2017, Manuals and economy measures issued by the Government/ Department.
c) The above delegated financial power cannot be further re-delegated.
(Shankara Nand Mishra)
Director (Finance)
Tel: 011-23036231
Source: DOT