Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts: DOP

Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts: DOP dated 11.05.2022
No. 17-02/2018-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 11.05.2022
All Chief Postmaster General/Postmasters General
Subject: Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts.
Kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 08.03.2019 vide which instructions on the above subject was circulated.
2. In this context, it is informed that consequent upon implementation of revised GDS online engagement process several changes in existing revised eligibility criteria for engagement to GDS posts have been taken place. The Competent Authority has approved the following substitution in para IT(iii), VI and XI (i) & (ii) of existing revised eligibility criteria:-
Para II (iii) : Basic Computer Training:-
“An undertaking has to be submitted by the candidate declaring that he/she has adequate knowledge to operate Computer desktop/laptop/POS/mobile etc. to work on the Departmental softwares.”
Para- VI: Furnishing of Security:- Deleted.
Para- XI: (i) Method of Submission of Application and Fee:-
Application can be submitted online only at Applications received from any other mode shall not be entertained.
Fee: A fee of Rs.100/-/-(Rupees one hundred only) is to be paid by the applicants for all posts notified within the chosen Division. However, payment of fee is exempted for all female candidates, SC/ST candidates, PwD candidates and Transwomen candidates.
(ii) Selection of Division and exercising preferences:-
The candidate can select only one Division for submission of his/her candidature for all the eligible posts of the Selected Division. The candidate has to validate his/her details by giving Registration number and OTP sent to the registered mobile number. On selecting the Division, a list of all eligible posts (based on community and age) will be displayed against which candidate has to give his/her preference. Preference and option once exercised /submitted by the candidate is final and will not be changed under any circumstances. Hence, candidates should exercise due care in this. Candidate will not be considered for a post, for which he/she has not given/indicated his/her preference. However, only one post will be offered among all the posts in a notification if she/he has applied for one or more posts in any one Division under any Circle.
Example: – If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post1, post2, post3, post4, post5 etc. and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the first post in the order of preference, against which he/she is found most suitable, will be offered and the candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited. However, based on the merit, if the candidate gets a post of his/her choice, his other preferences will be forfeited for consideration.
4. The undersigned is, therefore, directed by the Competent Authority to request you to circulate the above changes to all concerned immediately.
5. The rest instructions of letter of even number dated 08.03.2019 will hold good.
Yours faithfully
(D.K. Tripathi)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Copy forwarded to-.
- PS to Minister of Communications Minister of State for Communications
- Sr.PPS to Secretary (Posts)/Sr.PPS to Director General Postal Services
- PPS/PS to Additional DG (Co-ordination)/Member(Banking)/Member(O)/ Member (P) /Member(Planning & HRD)/Member PLI) / Member (Tech)
- Chief General Manager BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/PLI Directorate
- Director RAKNPA Ghaziabad: Chief General Manager, CEPT, Bengaluru
- Addl. Director General, APS Bhawan, New Delhi
- Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO/Sr.Deputy Director General(PAF)
- Director General P&T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi
- Director General NICF, Ghitorni, New Delhi
- All the Deputy Directors General
- All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP
- Director Postal Training Centres
- All Sections of Postal Directorate
- All recognized Federations /Unions /Associations
- GM, Operation, CEPT Mysuru for uploading the order on the India Post website
- Hindi Section, Dak Bhawan New Delhi:- for translation of OM.
- Guard File
- Spare copies.
(D. K. Tripathi)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Tel. No.011- 23096629
Source: DOP