Revised DA for CPSE Employees following pay scales on 1987 and 1992 basis
Revised DA from 1st April 2014 for CPSE Employees – Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following pay scales on 1987 and 1992 basis
Subject:- Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis.
The undersigned is directed to refer to para No. 3 of this Department’s O.M. No. 2(50)/86- DPE (WC) dated 19.07.1995 wherein the rates of DA payable to the executives holding Board level post have been indicated. In accordance with the DA scheme spelt out in Annexure-II of the said 0.M, the installments of DA become payable from 1 st January, 1st April, lst July, 1st October, every year based on the price increase above quarterly Index average of 1099 (1960=100).
2. In continuation of this Department’s O.M. of even No. dated 7.01.2014, the rates of DA payable to the executives of CPSEs holding Board level post, below Board level post and non-unionised supervisors following IDA pattern of 1992 pay scales may be modified as follows:-
(a) Date from which payable: 01.04.2014
(b) AICPI (Linked to 1960=100) for the quarter
December, 2013 – 5458
January, 2014 – 5408
February, 2014 – 5433
Average of the quarter – 5433
(c) Increase over link point : 4334 (5433-1099)
(d) % increase over link point: 394.3%
(4334/1099*100=394.3%, lesser than that for the previous Quarter, Sept -Nov’ 2013, which was 399.9%)
(e) DA Rates for various Pay Ranges
Basic Pay per Month | DA Rates |
Upto Rs. 3500 | 394.3% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 8668/- |
Above Rs 3500 and Upto Rs. 6500 | 295.7% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 13801/- |
Above Rs 6500 and Upto Rs. 9500 | 236.6% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 19221/- |
Above Rs 9500 | 197.1% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 22477/- |