Relaxation in mandatory updation of ASLAAS-5 Card Numbers in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents

Relaxation in mandatory updation of ASLAAS-5 Card Numbers in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents: Department of Posts Order dated 12.11.2021
SB Order No. 36/2021
File No. FS-07/3/2021-FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 12.11.2021
All Head of Circles I Regions
Subject: Relaxation in mandatory updation of ASLAAS-5 Card Numbers in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents – Regarding.
Reference: SB Order No. 32/2021 dated 27.10.2021 issued m File No. FS- 07/3/2021·FS-DOP
It has come to the notice of this office that MPKBY Agents are. not supplied with sufficient number of ASLAAS-5 cards by the Appointing Authorities in various States and as such they are not able to update the ASLAAS-5 card numbers in the Agent Portal for generation of Schedule (Bulk List).
2. It is once again reiterated that mentioning of ASLAAS-5 card number in the schedule of deposits being made by the MPKBY Agents is mandatory in accordance with the provisions of MPKBY Agency Rules, 1972. However, to overcome the issue of preparation of schedule (Bulk list) due to non-updation of ASLAAS-5 card numbers in Agent Portal of DOP CBS Finacle System, the following procedure is prescribed till the ASLAAS-5 cards are provided to the Agents or till 31.03.2022 whichever is earlier.
i). If any MPKBY Agent desires to deposit the RD schedule (Bulk list) without mentioning the ASLAAS-5 card number in the post office to which she is attached, such Agent should submit a self-declaration in the prescribed format attached herewith, on each occasion along with the RD Schedule.
ii). The Self-declaration submitted by the MPKBY Agent should be checked by the Post Office to ensure that all the details are filled in correctly and duly signed by the MPKBY Agent concerned from the copy of the letter of authority available in the Post Office. The self-declaration should be date stamped and it should be retained along with the office copy of the Schedule.
iii). Post Office while accepting the schedule from the Agents, should ensure that if the ASLAAS ·5 card number is not filled or filled with “Applied for” or with any other Text other than ASLAAS-5 card number, against any of the account numbers in the schedule, the self-declaration by the Agent for such account is submitted. Only after ensuring availability of self-declaration for each and every account for which ASLAAS ·5 card number is not mentioned, the schedule should be accepted by the Post Office from the Agents.
iv). The MPKBY Agents should fill “Applied for” in the Update ASLAAS Number option in the Agent Portal, for the accounts, for which ASLAAS ·5 card number is not available and desires to make deposit of such account in the post office. This value ‘Applied for’ should be again updated by the Agent with correct ASLAAS-5 card number as and when the ASLAAS-5 card is received by the Agent from the Agent’s Appointing Authority.
3. This may be circulated to all the Offices for information and necessary actions.
4. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Annexure to SB Order No. 36/2021
Self Declaration
(to be submitted by the MPKBY Agents for non-mentioning of ASLAAS-5 card numbers in the RD Schedule (Bulk List)
I, …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. (Name of the MPKBY Agent) W/o / D/o …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. Certificate of Authority No. …….. …….. …….. …….. valid up to (date) residing at …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. declare that the following accounts have been canvassed by me and I could not provide ASLAAS-5 cards to the Depositors as the ASLAAS-5 cards were not supplied to me by the Appointing Authority of MPKBY Agent.
SL No. |
Account No. | Name of the Depositor | Date of opening of Account | Monthly Deposit amount in Rs. |
2. I declare that I am fully responsible for the money of the Depositors of the RD Accounts to whom I am serving as agent.
Signature of the MPKBY Agent
Certificate of Authority No. …….. …….. ……..
Date …….. …….. ……..
Date stamp of the Post Office
Source: DOP