Reimbursement for purchase of Hearing Aid under CSMA and CGHS revised

Reimbursement for purchase of Hearing Aid under CSMA and CGHS revised – Govt also issues Revised Guidelines

Ministry of Health ย and Family Welfare issued an OM regarding Revisionย of rate and guideline ย for reimbursement of expenses on purchase ย of Hearingย  AIDS Under CSMA Rules,1944 ย and CGHS

Government ย of India
Ministry of Health ย and Family Welfare
Departmentย of Health and Family Welfare


Nirman ย Bhawan, ย New Delhi
Dated the 26th May,ย 2015


Subject: ย Revision ย of rate and guideline ย for reimbursementย ย  of expenses ย on purchase ย of Hearingย  AIDS Under CSMA Rules,1944 ย and CGHS – Regarding

With reference ย to the above ย mentioned ย subject ย the undersignedย  ย is directed to refer to the Office Memorandum ย of even no dated 21.03.2012 ย , ย 17.11.2006 andย 28.10.2002ย ย  ย and ย OM No ย S.14025/36/93/MSย  ย dated ย 26.03.94 ย and 17.08.99 and to state ย that ย on theย  basis ย of recommendationย  ย of an Expert ย Committee,ย  ย it has been decided to revise the rates and guidelines for hearingย  aids ย to be reimbursed ย under CS(MA) Rules, ย 1944 and CGHS.

2.ย ย ย ย ย  ย The ย revised ย ceiling ย rates ย fixed for various ย types ย of hearing-aids ย (for one ear) are as under:-

  • Body worn/Pocket ย type Rs.3000/-
  • Analogue ย BTE Digital – Rs. 7000/-
  • BTE Digitalย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย  Rs. 15000/-
  • ITC/CIC ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Rs. 20000/-

The cost of hearing ย aids shall include all taxes in including VAT and Shall carry 3 year ย warranty.ย  Theย cost ย of analogueย BTE/Digitalย  ย BTE/ITC/CICย  ย type hearing aid. shall also include ย the cost of hearing ย mould.

3. ย Beneficiariesย  ย coveredย ย  under ย CS ย (MA) ย Rules ย /CGHS ย shall ย be eligible ย to obtain hearing ย aid as per the following guidelines:

(i). Patients/Beneficiariesย ย  ย should ย be properly ย referred ย to ย CGHS/Government hospitalย ENTย ย  specialistย ย ย  ย from ย the ย parentย  ย CGHSย  ย wellnessย  ย centreย ย ย ย  (A computerizedย ย ย  referral ย printout ย should ย be made ย whereverย ย  computerization has been done).

(ii). It ย would ย be mandatory ย to carryย  CGHS ย Beneficiary’sย ID cardย  (in original) wheneverย theย CGHSย  ย beneficiariesย ย  ย visitย  theย  CGHS/Government ย ENT specialist ย for consultation ย and Audiometric ย test.

(iii).ย  ย The ย ENT specialist ย of CGHS /Governmentย  ย hospital ย shall ย then recommend a ย hearingย  ย aid ย on ย basisย ย  of ย Audiometricย  ย and ย Audiologicalย ย ย ย  ย assessment, specifyingย ย  the ย type ย of ย hearing ย aid ย most ย suited ย for ย the ย Beneficiary.ย  ย The ‘Audiogramย  ย report’ ย shall be authenticated ย by the ENT specialist/Consultant of the CGHS/Governmentย hospital.

4.ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย Theย ย ย  permissionย ย ย  ย toย  ย procureย ย  ย hearingย ย  ย aidย ย ย  shallย ย  ย beย  ย grantedย ย  ย byย  ย the ADDITIONALย ย  DIRECTOR(Zonal)ย  of CGI IS-ZONAL ย OFFICE ย in case of CGHS pensioner ย beneficiaries,ย ย  ย and by the HEAD ย OF DEPARTMENT/OFFICEย  in case of serving employees ย and CGHS beneficiaries ย of Autonomous ย bodies on the basis ofย ย  ย Recommendationย ย ย ย  ย ofย ย  ย aย ย  CGHS/Governmentย ย ย  ย ENTย ย  ย specialist,ย ย ย  ย andย ย  ย anย ‘undertaking’ย  ย that ย the beneficiary ย has not beenย  ย reimbursed ย the cost of hearing ย – aid in the preceding ย five years.

5.ย ย ย ย ย  ย Reimbursementย  ย claimย  ย shallย ย  be ย submittedย  ย to ย CGI ISย ย  ZONALย  ย OFFICE through ย the ย CMO ย – Inchargeย  ย of the Concerned ย dispensaryย  ย byย  CGHS ย Pensioner beneficiariesย  ย in ย the ย prescribedย ย  medical ย reimbursementย ย  ย claim for-alongย  ย with the followingย  ย documents ย :-

a) ย Referral letter ย from ย parent ย CGHS Wellness ย Centre ย (computerized Slip where computerization ย is done already).

b) ย Copy ย of ‘prescription’ ย of ENT consultant (CGIIS/Govt.Hospital)ย  ย with theย ‘Audiogram’ย  ย reportย  ย duly authenticated by the ย treatingย  ย ENT ย consultantย (CGI IS/Govt).

c) ย Copy of CGHS ย Card.

d) ย Bill/Receiptย  ย (in ย original) ย carrying ย details ย of ย the ย hearing ย – aid ย seller ย i.e. NAME, QUALIFICATION ย AND RCI/MCI ย REGISTRATIONย  ย NUMBERย of the hearing ย – aid seller.

e) ย The ‘permission letter’ ย to purchase hearing ย – aid ย (in original).

f) ย Empty ย Box/boxesย  ย or the ย Carton(s) ย with ย the ย label ย showing ย details ย of the hearing ย aid supplied.

In case ย of the ย other ย beneficiaries, ย the medical ย claim ย shall ย be submitted ย to the concerned ย Ministry/ Department ย /Office.ย ย  Reimbursementย  ย shall be limited to the ceiling rate or actual cost of the hearing – ย aid, whichever ย is less.

6. ย Records ย of permissionsย ย  granted ย for procurementย  ย of hearing-aids ย shall be maintainedย  ย by ย CGHSย  ย in respect ย of ย pensionerย  ย CGHS ย beneficiariesย  ย and ย byย  the concerned ย Ministry/Department/ Office ย in ย respect ย of other beneficiaries.

7. Replacement ย of hearing-aid may be permitted ย after 5 years on the basis of condemnation ย certificate ย issued by a technical ย expert and on approval of CGHS/Governmentย ENTย Surgeon. ย  Maintenanceย ย andย repairย will beย the responsibilityย of the beneficiary.

8. ย These ย orders shall supercede ย all the earlier orders issued on the subject.

9. The ย revisedย ย  rates ย and ย guidelinesย  ย shall ย come ย into ย force ย from ย the date ย of issue ย and shall ย be valid ย for a period ย of two year or till further ย revision, ย whichever is ย earlier.

l0. This ย issues ย with the approval ย of Integrated ย Finance ย Division ย of Ministry of Health ย & ย Family ย Welfare

(Sunil ย Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary ย to the Govt. of ย India

Download Ministry of Health ย and Family Welfare OM No.S.14025/10/2002/MS dated 26.05.2015

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