RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results Released

RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results Released; Check at rbi.org.in
The Reserve Bank of India has released the Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Result on the official website, rbi.org.in. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check and download their results from the official website,rbi.org.in. RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 exam held on September 29, 2018.
Click here to check RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results
Roll Numbers of candidates shortlisted for Interview
Mark list & category wise cut – off for the above examination, will be displayed on website after completion of the selection process and declaration of final results of the recruitment. RTI queries regarding furnishing of written exam Answer keys, dump keys, etc, will be entertained only after the completion of the selection process and declaration of final results of this recruitment.
How to download RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results?
- Visit the official website – rbi.org.in
- On the homepage, Click on the link, “RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results”
- A new page will open
- Enter your application ID, DOB & Name and Click on submit button
- Your RBI Specialist Officer (Grade B) 2018 Results will be displayed on the screen
- Download and take print out for future use
Instructions for Shortlisted candidates:
1. The interview schedule will be intimated to candidates separately in due course. The interview call letters indicating date, time and venue of the interview will be sent separately on their registered email address. Candidates are requested to check their mailbox, including spam and junk box for the same.
2. All the shortlisted candidates are advised to take print out of the interview call letter through their E-mail ID and bring its hard copy on the day of interview along with all ORIGINAL documents in support of their eligibility.
3. Kindly send one set of self-certified photocopies of the documents in support of Date of Birth, Academic Qualifications (From Matriculation/SSC Exam) onwards – Mark sheets of all years/semesters and Passing/Degree certificates, Caste certificate (if SC/ST/OBC), Disability certificate (if Persons with Benchmark Disability-PwBD).
4. As regards academic qualification, if instead of percentage of marks, Aggregate Grade Points (i.e. CGPA/OGPA/CPI, etc.) are allotted, then the candidate must forward the criteria for conversion as defined by the Board/University/Institute. The conversion criterion must be printed on the mark-sheet or the candidate must obtain a certified copy from competent authority of the Board/University/Institute and forward the same to us. If they fail to do so, then the conversion criteria as mentioned in the recruitment advertisement for the said posts (Advt. No. 2A/2018-19) will be applied.
5. If the shortlisted candidate has taken any benefit of age relaxation, he/she should submit the relevant certificate.
6. Staff candidates should submit their documents through the HRMD/Staff section of respective Regional Office/COD.
7. Kindly take print out of the relevant proforma mentioned below, duly fill up and complete them and send along with copies of above mentioned certificates to “The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Reserve Bank of India Building, Third floor, Opposite Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai 400008” by Courier/Speed Post so that it reaches the Board’s office within seven days of the date of declaration of the result on the website.
(i) All Candidates – 5 copies of ATTESTATION FORM (all in original) with signed photographs affixed and 7 copies of BIO DATA (One copy in original and other photocopies) with prescribed sized, signed photographs affixed.
(ii) OBC candidates – In addition to (i) above, a copy of latest OBC CASTE CERTIFICATE (issued on or after 01.08.2017) and OBC DECLARATION in original as per the prescribed format.
(iii) SC/ST candidates – In addition to (i) above, latest SC / ST CASTE CERTIFICATE as per the prescribed format.
(iv) PwBD candidates – In addition to (i) [and (ii)/(iii)-if applicable] above, disability certificate/s in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority. The Candidates who have availed the facility of a scribe (other than the Visually Impaired candidates) will have to produce a medical certificate from an authorised Govt. of India/State Govt. Department/Hospital, to the effect that the candidate has physical limitation to write including that of speed. This certificate will be required in addition to his/her disability certificate. The medical certificate about physical limitation to write, including that of speed, should be dated prior to the date of on-line/written exam/test.
Bookmark this page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to refer to this page and check your results and other exam-related updates. All the Best!
Best wishes – Gconnect