Punjab State Government Holiday List 2018

Dated Chandigarh the 27/12/2017
Under the Explanation to Section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (Central Act XXVI of 1881) read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No.20-25/26/Pub.1, dated 08.06.1957, the Government of Punjab hereby declare that in addition to Sundays expressly defined as Public Holidays in the said “Explanation”, the following shall be observed as Holidays in the State of Punjab during the year 2018:-
Sr.No | Name of the Holiday(s) | Date on which they fall | Day of the week |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | Republic Day | 26 th January | Friday |
2 | Holi | 02 nd March | Friday |
3 | Ram Navami | 25 th March | Sunday |
4 | Good Friday | 30 th March | Friday |
5 | Bank Holiday (Account Closing day) | 1 st April | Sunday |
6 | Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar | 14 th April | Saturday |
7 | Idu’l Fitr | 16 th June | Saturday |
8 | Independence Day | 15 th August | Wednesday |
9 | Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi Ji | 2 nd October | Tuesday |
10 | Dussehar | 19 th October | Friday |
11 | Diwali | 7 th November | Wednesday |
12 | Birthday of Sri Guru Nanak dev Ji | 23 rd November | Friday |
13 | Christmas day | 25 th December | Tuesday |
2.This has been issued in accordance with the directions issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New Delhi vide their D.O. No. 41/2/98/-BO.II dated 9thAugust, 2002 and Department of Financial Services vide No.1/22/2012/-BO.II dated 09.01.2013.
Karan Avtar Singh
Chief Secretary of Government, Punjab