Provisioning of creche within the premises of office building in every establishment having fifty or more employees: PCDA

Provisioning of creche for children of age group 06 months to 06 years within the premises of office building in every establishment having fifty or more employees
SECTOR-9, CHANDIGARH-160009 ey ie :
Tel No EPABX NO s: 2741611-614,2741990,2740445,
EXT-216 Fax No. 0172-2741729 0172-2742552
Sub: – Provisioning of creche within the premises of office building
Department of personnel & Training vide their office Memorandum No.13018/4/2009-Estt(L) dated 08.07.2009 stipulates for provision of Creche facility in office as a welfare measure for the employees. Further, Ministry of Law & Justice vide Gazette notification dated 28.03.2017 has notified the amendments to Maternity Benefit Act which stipulates that every establishment having fifty or more employees shall have the facility of creche for their children of age group 06 months to 06 years.
In view of the aforesaid, HQrs Office vide their letter No. AN/XII/18001/Creche/Vol 1 dated 31.08.2023 has desired to conduct a review for setting-up of creche facility in office. Accordingly, the competent authority has desired the names of the individual who are interested to avail the facility of creche in office premises.
It is therefore requested that individuals willing to avail the facility may send their names to the undersigned by the 22th of Sep. 2023.
No. AN/XII/Gen.Cir
Dated: 15/09/2023
Source: PCDA