Processing of GeM bills in e-Bill module- Universal roll out: CGA

Processing of GeM bills in e-Bill module- Universal roll out: CGA

Processing of GeM bills in e-Bill module- Universal roll out: CGA OM dated 04.06.2024

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Public Financial Management System
GIFMIS Vertical

File No. l-15036/1/2022-CGA-Part(1)/e-1 1151464



Subject:- Processing of GeM bills in e-Bill module- Universal roll out.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject above and state that in continuation of this office OM No |-15036/1/2022-CGA-Part(1)/e-11151)/707 dated 23.02.2024 regarding pilot run of bill processing through GeM – e-bill integration in 29 PAOs stationed at Delhi in different Ministries/Departments, it is proposed to be extended further in all remaining PAOs in two phases:

a) PAOs stationed at Delhi w.e.f. 14th June, 2024,

b) PAOs stationed outside Delhi w.e.f 28th June, 2024 as per list annexed at “A” & “B’ respectively.

2. The readiness of the Ministries/Departments with regards to putting in place the pre-requisities of e-bill may be ensured as advised by this OM No.I-15036/1/2023-CGA/e-12496/156 dated 28.05.2024. (copy enclosed).

3. The bills through e-bill-GeM integration will be available under “e-Sanction Menu” instead of “Sanction Menu” at DDO user for further processing by DDO/Bill Distributor/DH/AAO/PAO users. For viewing and verifying, the documents uploaded and generated in GeM portal (including e-claim in RPR-49 & e-sanction) will be available under the hyperlink “View Documents” and the documents g enerated at PFMS portal (bill etc.) will be available under the hyperlink “e-Document””.

4. A user guide for processing the GeM bills in ebill scenario in PFMS is enclosed for this purpose. All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge are, requested to closely monitor the implementation of processing of GeM bills in e-bill module. It is requested to circulate this OM and the enclosed user guide among all PDs, DDOs, PAQOs in your Ministry/Departments.

This issues with the approval of Additional CGA (PFMS).

Encl: As Above.

(Anupam Raj)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts

Source: CGA

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