Introduction of PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021: DOP

Introduction of PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021: Department of Posts Order dated 29.10.2021
SB Order No. 33/2021
F.No. FS-13/4/2021-FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Financial Services Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 29.10.2021
All Head of Circles / Regions
Subject: – Regarding introduction of PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021
Madam / Sir,
The undersigned is directed to say that Ministry of Finance (DEA) has introduced ‘PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021’ vide its notification No. G.S.R. 723(E) dated 06.10.2021 received through MoF (DEA) O. M. No. 14/1/2019-NS-Pt(1) dated 08.10.2021. Copy of notification is attached for information.
2. Detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for operation of the scheme has been prepared in consultation with the Nodal Ministries i.e. Ministry of Finance (DEA), Ministry of Women and Child Development and CEPT, Chennai 1s attached herewith.
3. Detailed Standard Accounting Procedure (SAP) will be released shortly after receipt of Head of Account and GL Codes from the PA wing.
4. It is requested to circulate this scheme to all Post Offices for information, guidance and necessary action.
5. This is issued with the approval of competent authority
Enclosed: Annexure -A & B
Your’s Sincerely
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-II)
Source: DOP