Pension Contribution & Leave Salary Contribution of BSNL employees
Pension Contribution & Leave Salary Contribution of BSNL employees deputed in DoT
1st Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
H C Mathur Lane, Janpath,
New Delhi — 110 001
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
No. 500-571135NLI2011.121CA IV/ Vol V-Part1
Date: 14.03.2014
The CGMs,
All BSNL circles
Sub: – Pension Contribution & Leave Salary Contribution of BSNL employees deputed in DoT-reg.
As per the FR no, 111, the borrowing organization is required to pay Pension Contribution & Leave Salary Contribution to lending organization. This will be applicable to BSNL officials working in the units of DoT namely TERM cell, CCA & DoT itself.
Further as the pension paying authority for BSNI. officials is DoT & it is also the borrower, it has been decided by BSNL management that Pension Contribution for BSNL officials working in DoT units/DoT shall not be transferred to DoT.
However, a schedule showing the list of employees posted to DoT units/DoT with their total Pension Contribution which has been paid by BSNL for the period of their deputation shall be submitted to DoT unit/DoT to which Pension Contribution is to be paid under acknowledgement. Requisite entry in the service book of the official may also be made to this effect.
Leave Salary Contribution shall also be claimed from the DoT/DoT units in respect of BSNL officials on deputation in DoT/DoT units from the date of their deputation. Henceforth monthly claim shall be made in this respect.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Rajeev Singh)
Download BSNL Order No. 500-571135NLI2011.121CA IV/ Vol V-Part1 dated 14.03.2014