Non implementation of various pending issues of the Defence Civilian Employees – BPMS

Non implementation of various pending issues of the Defence Civilian Employees – BPMS Order dated 10.05.2021
Ref. No. : 94/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/21
Date : 10.05.2021
The Defence Secretary
Departmental Council (JCM)
Ministry of Defence
South Block. New Delhi.
Subject: Non implementation of various pending issues of the Defence Civilian Employees.
You are aware that many of the outstanding issues pertaining to the Defence Civilian Employees of the various Directorates under the Ministry of Defence is remaining unsettled. All those issues were discussed in the Additional Meeting Mechanism Chaired by the JS (Estt.) . Subsequently the Federations have given agenda points also for discussion in the Steering Committee Meeting of the Departmental Council (JCM). However due to COVID-19 pandemic situation meetings are not taking place. Issues cannot be kept in cold storage on the plea of COVID-19 . Therefore we request your good self being the Chairman of the Departmental Council (JCM) to intervene in the matter and arrange to issue instructions at least on the following very important outstanding issues / demands of the Defence Civilian Employees.
1) Implementation of MoD / DOP&T instructions with regard to the attendance of the employees of Defence Industrial Establishments to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus by allowing the employees to work from home.
2) Full reimbursement of the Expenditure incurred by the Employees for availing Covid-19 Medical treatment.
3) To extend the medical treatment facilities in the Armed Forces Hospitals to the Defence civilian Employees.
4) Ex- gratia payment of Rs.20 lakh to the family of the employees who dies because of COVID-19 infection.
5) Immediate grant of Compassionate Appointment to the dependents of the deceased employees over and above the 5% ceiling on Compassionate Appointment.
6) Permission to retain the Government quarters till Compassionate Appointment is granted to the dependents of COVID-19 victims.
7) Payment of Night Duty Allowance to the employees deployed on night shift without any basic pay ceiling limit in accordance with the Judgement of Honourable Supreme Court.
8) Payment of patient care allowance to the Paramedical Staff on the basis of Ministry of Health orders which was already circulated by MoD.
9) Correlation of the hourly rates of the Industrial Employees deployed on piece work system in the Ordnance Factories w.e.f. 1-1-2016 in 7th CPC pay scale.
10) Undue delay in granting promotion / MACP to the MES Employees.
11) Implementation of DRTC review of the DRDO employees mutually agreed by the Federations and DRDO Headquarters and settlement of all pending Cadre Review proposals.
12) Implementation of the grievances of the employees of SBC under ATVP.
13) Adjustment/posting of employees declared surplus from EME Workshops to their choice Stations/Units as already assured by the Government
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
(C. SRIKUMAR) GENERAL SECRETARY AIDEF 09444080885 Defempfed[at] |
(R. SRINIVASAN) GENERAL SECRETARY INDWF 09444125799 Indwfrsrinivasan[at] |
(MUKESH SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY BPMS 09335621629 Gensecbpms[at] |
Source: BPMS