Pay and Grade Pay revision for Himachal Employees

Pay Structure and Grade Pay revision for Himachal Pradesh Government State Government Employees

The Cabinet of Himachal Pradesh State Government has decided last week to revise the pay structureย and grade pay of Himachal Pradesh Stateย Government Employeesย with effect from 1st October 2012.

The Pay revision would cost Government to an extent of over Rs.550 Crore per Annum.

In the last month Himachal Government implemented Assuredย Careerย Progression Scheme in line with Central Government. Moreover, compared to MACPS which is in place for Centralย Government Employees, the Assuredย Careerย Progression Scheme implemented by Himachal Pradesh Government to its employees is even more attractive as it provides assuredย careerย progression in 4th, 9th and 14th year for all categories of state employees from August 27, 2009.

The other decisions taken by Himachal Pradesh Government Cabinet are:

The daily wages is also be raised from Rs 130 to Rs 150 from September 1, with an additional 25 per cent for daily wagers in tribal areas.

Regular Ayurvedic medical officers are to be granted theย pay scaleย of Rs 15,600-39,100 with a grade pay of Rs 5,400

Judicial officers and retired judicial officers to be granted allowance with effect from January 1, 2006.

Enhanced daily wages of Rs 240 instead of a fixed monthly amount to technicalย assistantsย in Panchayati Rajย departmentย who have completed 10 years of service.

Source:ย The Indian Express

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