OTET 2017 RESULT / Orissa Teacher Eligibility Test Resultss 2017

OTET 2017 RESULT / Orissa Teacher Eligibility Test Resultss 2017 declared – check on bseodisha.ac.in
OTET 2017 RESULT : Orissa Board (Bseodisha) has released results of the Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET). Candidates who were waiting for OTET Result 2017 can check their result on the official website of the Board www.bseodisha.ac.in.
Earlier in October, the Orissa Board had issued an order for OTET 2017. The OTET 2017 exam was conducted on September 29. After this, on October 15, the candidates were given time to file an objection.
OTET 2017 RESULT / Orissa TET Results / Odhisha TET Result
OTET 2017 was conducted on September 29 in two phases— paper 1 was held during the morning session and paper two in the afternoon session. Both papers were for 150 marks each and all questions had multiple choice answers.
As per reports, only 24.58 per cent candidates have cleared the OTET. Over 94,000 candidates had registered for the examination of which 23,322 have successfully cleared the tests.
The Orissa Board of Secondary Education also released the OTET OMR answer sheets and final answer along with the result.
Check OTET Result 2017
- OTET 2017 results, here’s how to download:
- Go to the official website for BSE Odisha as mentioned above
- Click on the link for the latest updates
- Follow the link for OTET 2017 results
- Enter your OTET roll number and click om submit.
- Download the results.
Steps to check the answer sheet
- Go to the official website, bseodisha.ac.in
- Under ‘Latest updates’, click on ‘2017-12-18 OTET OMR Answer Sheet 2017’
- In the provided fields enter your roll number and select the paper type
- Click on ‘Find OMR sheets’
- Your answer sheet will be displayed on the screen
- Download the same and take a printout for future reference.
Paper pattern
The Board instructed that candidates could only appear for one category – paper 1 or paper 2.
Paper 1: The paper was of total 150 marks and contained questions on child development and pedagogy, a regional language (Odia, Urdu, Hindi, Telugu or Bengali), English, mathematics and environmental studies.
Paper 2: The paper was of total 150 marks. It included questions on three compulsory subjects — child development and pedagogy, a regional language and English — and an optional subject.
About BSE:
The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha is a corporate body constituted under the Odisha Secondary Education Act, 1953. It regulates controls and develops Secondary Education in the State of Odisha. It provides varied courses in order to equip students for different occupations, in order to prepare them for university education and to equip them for various cultural purposes.
For any query, candidates can visit the official website.