OPSC Civil Judge Mains Result & Interview Schedule 2019 Released

OPSC Civil Judge Mains Result & Interview Schedule 2019 Released; Check at opsc.gov.in
Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has released the Mains Result for the post of Civil Judges in Odisha Judicial Service 2018 on its official website, opsc.gov.in. Candidates who had appeared in the exam can check their result from the official website, opsc.gov.in. The Document Verification will be held on 05.07.2019 to 06.07.2019 and the Interview will be held on 15.07.2019.
Click here to check OPSC Civil Judge Mains Result & Interview Schedule 2019
On the basis of Main Written Exam held from 07.04.2019 to 10.04.2019 for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judges in Odisha Judicial Service, 2018 pursuant to Advt.No.08 of 2018-19, 61(Sixty one) candidates have qualified for admission to the interview to be conducted wef 15th July, 2019 onwards in the office of the commission. The candidature of these candidates is purely provisional and subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions as per terms of the advertisement.
The qualified candidates are advised to come for the physical verification of original certificate and other relevant documents in support of their educational qualification. The physical verification of original documents shall be made in the office of the commission on 05.07.2019 and 06.07.2019 in both session from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm.
How to check OPSC Civil Judge Mains Result & Interview Schedule 2019?
- Visit the official website, opsc.gov.in
- On the homepage, Click on the link “Roll List of Candidates Qualified for Admission to the Interview in connection with Recruitment to the Posts of Odisha Judicial Service-2018[Advt. No. 08 of 2018-19]”
- A pdf file will open containing the roll numbers of selected candidates
- Check your roll number
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Best wishes – Gconnect