Online PAN verification functionality in Finacle CBS System: DOP

Introduction of online PAN verification functionality in Finacle CBS System: Department of Posts Order dated 25.01.2022
SB Order No. 02/2022
F.No. 25-09/2012- FS-CBS-Part (1)
Govt. of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Dated : 25.01.2022
All Head of Circles I Regions
Subject: Introduction of online PAN verification functionality in Finacle CBS System – Reg.
Sir / Madam,
At present, in Finacle CBS System, the PAN Card of the Depositors are updated as part of KYC compliance. The PAN Card entered in the system is validated only based on the standard PAN format i.e. 10 ALPHA Numeric Characters. But the correctness of the PAN card numbers provided by the Depositors or the PAN entered by the Post Office officials are not validated with NSDL currently.
2. During the filing of TDS returns, many of the PAN numbers are not accepted in Income Tax statements due to invalid I wrong PAN, which leads to complaints from Depositors regarding non availability of TDS deducted details in Form 26AS of the Depositors. In order to settle these complaints, the DDOs are required to file correction TDS statements which unnecessarily put the DDOs and Depositors in trouble.
3. Further, as per Rule 6 of Govt. Savings Promotion General Rules 2018 (GSPR 2018), w.e.f. 18.12.2019, for opening of any account in Post Office, submission of either PAN Number or Form – 60 is mandatory and if Form – 60 is submitted by the customer, PAN Number is to be submitted by the Depositor without fail, within next six months. If a depositor who has already opened an account prior to the date of notification (GSPR 2018) and has not already submitted his Permanent Account Number, the depositor shall do so within a period of six months from the date of notification (GSPR 2018) and in the event of the failure of the depositor to submit the Permanent Account Number within the specified period of six months, his account shall cease to be operational till the time the depositor submits the PAN Number.
4. Hence, it has been decided to restrict the account opening without entering either PAN or Form – 60 details and validate the correctness of the PAN number entered by availing the facility of online verification of PAN Numbers being provided by NSDL. Accordingly Finacle CBS System is integrated with NSDL System.
5. Patches have been deployed in CBS Finacle System to validate the PAN entered at the time of creation and modification of CIFs of the Customers I Depositors and when any cash transaction exceeding Rs. 50,000/- is carried out.
6. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure for online validation of PAN is attached herewith.
7. Checking and validation of the PAN by the Post Office officials has to be done with care to avoid mistakes·. Details of the PO users validating the PAN are captured in audit trials.
8. Circles are requested to take necessary’ action in this regard and this order may be circulated to all the Post Offices. ·
9. This is issued with the approval of DDG (FS).
Encl: As above.
(Puneet Bijaraniya)
Asst. Director General (FS·II)
Source: DOP