Monitoring of disciplinary/criminal and suspension cases pending against Group ‘B’ Officers of Departmentalized Accounts Offices (DAOs): CGA

Monitoring of disciplinary/criminal and suspension cases pending against Group ‘B’ Officers of Departmentalized Accounts Offices (DAOs): CGA OM dated 15th/19th February, 2024
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
O/o the Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha, Niyantrak Bhawan,
GPO Complex, ‘E Block, INA,
New Delhi-110023
Dated: 15th/19th February, 2024
Sub.: Monitoring of disciplinary/criminal and suspension cases pending against Group ‘B’ Officers of Departmentalized Accounts Offices (DAOs) reg.
Reference is invited to this Office OM of even No.151 dated 31.05.2018 (copy enclosed) wherein guidelines were issued for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary / criminal and Suspension cases pending against Group ‘B’ Officers of Departmentalized Accounts Offices by all the Disciplinary Authorities in field formations.
2. It has been observed that large number of Disciplinary Authorities are not furnishing the requisite information in the prescribed format. This has been viewed seriously by the Competent Authority.
3. Attention is also invited to the guidelines laid in sub para-v of Para-1 of this office ibid OM dated 31.05.2018 which have been reviewed. The Sub-para of ibid OM dated 31.05.2018 reads as under: –
“That before transferring the Group B officers against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending, the stage/status of the pendency of the said case may be ascertained from the concerned Ministry. If the disciplinary case is at final stage i.e. Inquiry Report has been received and final orders are to be passed by the Disciplinary Authority, then the officer may not be transferred and the concerned Disciplinary Authority may be asked to pass final orders in the case at the earliest. Furthermore, in the transfer/ relieving orders of the Group B officers, it may invariably be mentioned whether any disciplinary case is pending against him or not so that the concerned Disciplinary Authority may be aware of the same for taking further necessary action in the matter.”
4. It has been decided that the above para to be substituted as follows: –
“In case any official comes under a cloud from vigilance angle or is subjected to a verifiable complaint, abuse of authority, misconduct or indulges in any other act, unbecoming of a government servant then he/she shall be liable to be transferred in public interest, anywhere in India irrespective of tenure stipulations. Furthermore, in the transfer/ relieving orders of the Group ‘B’ officials, it may invariably be mentioned whether any disciplinary case is pending against him or not so that the concerned Disciplinary Authority may be aware of the same for taking further necessary action in the matter.”
5. Further, all the Disciplinary Authorities are requested to strictly adhere to the time lines prescribed by DOPT and CVC in disciplinary cases and submit the requisite reports as sought in the ibid OM dated 31.05.2018 on quarterly basis by the 20 of the month following the concerned quarter. It must also be ensured that these reports are submitted invariably, even in case of a ‘NIL’ report. The quarterly report for the Quarter Ending December, 2023 may be submitted to Vigilance Section, O/o CGA by 20* February, 2024.
6. This issues with the approval of the Controller General of Accounts.
Encl: As above
(Sanjai Singh)
Joint Controller General of Accounts (Vigilance)