Monetary limits for investigations in loss and fraud cases by different authorities: DOP
Revision of the monetary limits for investigations in loss and fraud cases by different authorities in the Departments of Posts
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001,
Dated: 23.09.2021
All Heads of Circles
All Heads of Regions
Subject: Revision of the monetary limits for investigations in loss and fraud cases by different authorities in the Departments of Posts
The monetary limits for conducting investigations in the loss/ fraud cases by different authorities were revised vide this Directorate letter No. 8-01/2019-Inv dated October 24, 2019. During the various field visits and interactions with Circles, a need was being felt to consider further revision of the monetary limits in this respect.
2. It has, therefore, been decided to revise the monetary limits for different postal authorities for conducting investigations and handing the loss/ fraud cases as under:
S. No. | Level of Investigating Officer | Present Monetary limit (in Rs) | Revised Monetary limit (in Rs) |
i. | Inspector Posts/ ASPOs | Upto Rs 1.00,000 | Upto Rs 2,00,000 |
ii. | Divisional Head/ Chief Postmaster Senior Postmaster/ Deputy Director of Mumbai/ Kolkata GPO* Assistant Director of equivalent officer of HOs/GPOs in case of non availability of Chief Postmaster | > Rs 1,00,000 upto Rs 2,00,000 | Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 5,00,000 |
iii. | Assistant Director/APMG of Circle and Regional Offices | Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 5,00,000 | > Rs 5,00,000 to Rs 10,00,000 |
iv. | Director Postal Services and above | > Rs 5,00,000 | > Rs 10,00,000 |
* Asstt Director of HOs/GPOs may also conduct investigation, in case of non-availability of CPM/Dy. Director
Note : These limits will be based on ‘Principal Amount of Loss/ Fraud including Temporary Misappropriation’. Normal Interest and Penal Interest will not be part of amount involved for the purpose of deciding the investigating authority.
3. Further, it has now been decided that only those loss and fraud cases shall henceforth be reported by the Circle to the Directorate, nm which the amount involved is more than Rs. 10 lakhs, instead of the present threashold limit of Rs. 5 lakhs.
4. Rest of the instructions contained in the office letter no. 8-01/2019-Inv dated October 24, 2019 hold good.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Jagdeep Gupta)
Director (Vigilance)
Copy for information to:
1. Sr. PPS/ PPS to Secretary (Posts) Director General (Posts)
2. Sr PPS/PPS to Members, Postal Services Board/ Addl. OG (Coord)
3. AS&FA.
4. All Sr./ DDG/ CGM (Oy CGM (PLI)/ CGM (Parcel Directorate)
5. Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad
6. General Manager (CEPT) for uploading on India Post site.
7. All GM (Finance) DA (P}s
8. All Directors. PTCs