Ministerial staff plan agitation, demand VII pay panel scale

The government employees led by the Puducherry Unified Ministerial Staff Association will hold a series of protests to press for various demands, including payment of arrears consequent to the government implementing the Seventh Pay Commission.

The association has called for a demonstration in front of the treasury on May 10, followed by protests in front of the electricity department on May 17 and education department on May 24.

The association has threatened that its members would stay from official work, if the territorial government did not concede their demands.

Association general secretary A. Rajendran said that consequent upon the implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission by the Centre, various benefits were yet to be implemented or not extended to the government servants by the administration.

Apart from non-payment of arrears, the government was yet to provide benefits such as House Rent Allowance and Childrenโ€™s Education Allowance or implement Modified Assured Career Progression.

HRA not paid

Although the Centre has implemented the house rent allowance with effect from July 1, 2017, the Puducherry government had not yet implemented the same causing non-receipt of HRA every month and as a result dues to the employees were increasing every month leading to accumulation of arrears.

โ€œWhen this small amount could not be paid at present, where is the certainty or assurance of the disbursement of accumulated arrears in the future,โ€ Mr. Rajendran sought to know.

Likewise, although the Centre had enhanced the Children Educational Allowance, the benefit had been pending implementation since July 2017 resulting in eligible government servants being unable to reimburse the amount.

And, regarding the Modified Assured Career Progression scheme introduced by the Centre giving next financial upgrade to the government servants who were stagnating in the post for 10 years without promotion, while an order for next financial upgrade was given, physical monetary benefits had not yet been paid to more number of employees and upgrade remained on paper only, he said.

Many employees had retired from service without the receipt of this monetary benefit, he added.

Arrears delayed

The association pointed to non-provision of pension and retirement benefits in a time-bound manner on a par with the Seventh Pay Commission revised pay even after two years.

The delay in settlement of pending arrears in time was causing accumulation and increase in the slab of 5% to 20% for payment of Income Tax additionally even to those who had not been covered under limit of Income Tax.

Other demands of Ministerial Staff Association were higher pay scale for assistants on par with Central Secretariat, filling of vacancies of upper division clerk, assistant, superintendent, junior accounts officer, senior accounts officer, PCS, notification of recruitment rules for the post of superintendent, filling up of all assistant posts through promotion and regularisation of ad hoc services.

The association has taken exception to vindictive action against honest officials/whistleblowers who exposed various irregularities/violation in Public Works department.

Source: TH