Mentoring Scheme for officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service

Mentoring Scheme for officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) – FinMin Order F.No.A.33011(2773)/II/2020-Group A CGA/3776-8 dated 31.08.2020
F.No.A.33011(2773)/II/2020-Group A CGA/3776-8
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Room No. 202, 2nd floor, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
Block-E, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi- 110023
Dated : 31.08.2020
Subject: Mentoring Scheme for officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)- regarding.
The Cadre Training Plan for the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) Officers was approved by Hon’ble Finance Minister and the same was communicated to CGA office vide Department of Expenditure ID Note no. A-33025/2/ 2014-Ad.l dated 25.07.2016. The Cadre Training Plan includes Mentoring as one of the modes of training.
Para 7. 5 of the approved Cadre Training Plan provides for Mentoring as a mode of training / learning for Officers at the JTS/STS level. The Supervisory Officer and/ or any other officer will be designated as mentor and guide a specific designated mentee. The Mentor will provide advice regarding skill up-gradation and trouble shooting. The learning ls expected to be practical, with a keen focus on hands on training.
In view of the above, a Mentoring Scheme has been formulated with the concept of nurturing the leaders of tomorrow and to ensure that knowledge and experience flows down from those that have it to those that need it.
Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure as the Cadre Controlling Authority in respect of the Indian Civil Accounts Service Officers has approved the Mentoring Scheme. The Scheme document is attach ed herewith.
The Mentoring Scheme, initially, will be implemented by assigning Mentors (HAG/SAG level officers) to the Mentees i.e. ICAS Probationary Officers of 2018 & 2019 batch. A Review of the Scheme will be carried out in the May, 2021.
Encls : A/a.
(Anang Rawat)
Assistant Controller of Accounts
Copy for information to:
- Director, Institute of Govt. Accounts and Finance, INGAF, New Delhi
- Under Secretary (Ad.I), Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi in reference to the approved Cadre Training Plan Conveyed vide DoE ID No.A.33025/2/2014-Ad.I dated 25.07.2016.
- PPS to Controller General of Accounts O/o CGA, New Delhi
- PS to Additional CGA (HR&O), 0/o CGA, New Delhi
- PS to Joint CGA ( HR) O/o CGA New Delhi
- Accounts Officer, ITD for uploading on the CGA’s website.
The approved Cadre Training Plan of the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) provides for mentoring of officers at the JTS/STS level in terms of Para 7.5. The supervisory officer an/or other officer will act as mentor. The learning will be practical with a keen focus and hands on training. At the JTS level (induction stage) each officer will be guided by a specific designated mentor for trouble shooting and skill up-gradation through effective tutoring. Accordingly a formal mentoring scheme has been formulated for the officers of the Indian Civil Accounts Service.
The purpose of mentoring is to tap into the existing knowledge, skills and experience of Senior Officers and transfer these skills to junior Officers. Mentoring is a formal or informal relationship established between an experienced, knowledgeable Officer and a probationer/junior officer . The purpose of a mentor is to help the new employee to quickly absorb the organization’s cultural and social norms. The mentoring process breaks down knowledge silos, allowing those starting out in their careers to tap into the wealth of expertise of senior officers. This ensures that knowledge and experience flows down from those that have it, to those that need it. Mentoring also plays a key role in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, ensuring a steady flow of able successors to key positions. Mentoring may also be more important for organizations themselves, as linking up a mature mentor with a promising recipient is an excellent way to keep values up. Mentees, often look to more experienced senior officers for professional advice, ideas for problem-solving besides expectations to !earn and become acclimated to an organization’s culture. Mentoring means when somebody senior starts giving advice and playing the role of a guardian.
For this dynamic to work, a Senior Level Officer (HAG/SAG level) may be considered to be an excellent mentor to nurture the next generation of talent. Mentors are senior officers with sufficient experience and expertise in a role to offer reliable advice and insights. These senior officers, w ho possess knowledge and understanding of the organization’s values, culture and norms to pass these to mentees. The mentor should enhance the mentee’s potential in the interest of the organization besides increasing engagement and productivity .
Mentoring at Workplace:
Mentoring should be seen as an essential part of individual’s development. The positive impact of a good mentor cannot be underestimated and it can have a strong influence on the mentees self-confidence.
Mentoring involves informal meeting, w here mentees discuss different aspects of the service . Mentor then aligns elements such as training, including soft skills; if there have been any difficult events, the Mentor & Mentee talk them through and analyse how they were or weren’t dealt with to make a positive experience next time. The ability to build trust quickly by Junior Officers with someone / other than the Administrative Head helps to deliver better results.
Mentor advises Mentee to reflect on what is going on in addition to his day-to day work / tasks and may suggest to the mentee to focus on the bigger picture of what the mentee wants to achieve. It also allows the mentee to receive advice and another viewpoint on different matters.
The chance to have constructive conversations around future goals and plans can lead to new opportunities and gives the mentee the confidence to realise their professional abilities .
Beyond opening doors and broadening horizons, mentoring helps to develop valuable new professional skills that can be applied by the Junior Officers/mentee to other areas of work to achieve better results.
Roles/ Responsibilities of the Mentor and Mentee:
Responsibilities of the Mentor:
- Building a professional relationship with the mentee
- Identify the mentees development needs and aspirations
- Maintaining clear communication
- Devise an agreed development plan
- Agree to development activities
- Review mentee accomplishments
- Practice active listening skills
- Facilitate appropriate feedback
- Have regular structured meetings.
Responsibilities of Mentee:
- Building a professional relationship with the mentor
- Identify own development needs and aspirations
- Practice active listening skills
- Facilitate appropriate feedback
- Have regular structured meetings
- Maintaining clear communication
- A willingness to learn
- Respect for the mentor including for the mentors time
- Be receptive to feedback and coaching
- Follow through on commitments and goal
Mentoring Scheme for officers of Indian Civil Accounts Organisation:
- The ACAs (JTS level) and Probationers should be provided Mentors. The Pr.CCA/CCA of the Ministry / Department, where the officer at the level of STS is posted, will be considered his Mentor, as such no separate Mentor needs to be assigned to STS level officer.
- The assignment of Mentor to probationers should start on joining at INGAF after completion of Foundation Course and 1st phase of Professional Training at AJNIFM.
- Mentors should be interchanged after completion of Probation period/on posting as ACA i.e. one Mentor during period of probation and other Mentor at the level of ACA, to have different experience in different Ministries/Department and to understand the broader spectrum of the organisation from two experienced senior officers.
- The Mentor and Mentee should have a mandatory fortnightly meeting to discuss the issues related to ongoing training/work and difficulties thereof. The Mentor should be accessible to Mentee atleast on all working days.
- Mentors can be ICAS officers at HAG/SAG level including the ICAS officers on Central deputation.
- Consent should be obtained from officers at the level of HAG/SAG, to be the mentors of Junior Officers before issuing any orders.
- Feedback Mechanism: The Probationers will make presentation on completion of Probation period on the experience gained, during the 1st spell, at INGAF. During this presentation, the mentors should make it convenient to be present. Director, INGAF may also invite other STS level ICAS Officers during this experience sharing session. Consent of CGA/Add.I CGA may be obtained for Chairing the session.
- The Mentee should not be attached to the Ministry/Department during ‘On Job Training (OJT)’ where his Mentor is posted. By doing this, the mentee will be able to have the experience of two Ministries/Departments with two experienced officers i.e. one as Mentor and the other as a guide.
- In rare case, the Mentor or Mentee may, if necessary, approach HR Division O/o CGA for a change with valid reasons/ justifications, before the time period stipulated under the scheme. Such requests should be made confidentially. The request received will be screened and after examination will be considered for approval.