Rate of Interest on Loans and Advances to Tamilnadu State Govt Employees for the year 2015-16

Rate of Interest on Loans and Advances to Tamilnadu State Govt Employees for the year 2015-16 – Interest for House Building Advance, Conveyance Advance and Personal Loan

Government of Tamilnadu has issued a GO prescribing the ย Rate ย of ย interestย  ย on ย Loansย  ย and ย Advancesย  ย sanctionedย ย  ย by ย theย  ย State Government ย – Interest rates for the year 2015-2016

Manuscriptย Series




G.O.No.213, ย Dated ย 23rd July ย 2015

(Manmatha, ย Aadi ย 7 ,ย ย  ย Thiruvalluvar ย Aanduย  2046)


INTERESTย  ย –ย  ย Rate ย of ย interestย  ย on ย Loansย  ย and ย Advancesย  ย sanctionedย ย  ย by ย theย  ย State Government ย – Interest rates for the year 2015-2016 ย – ย Orders Issued.

READ – the following ย paper:

G.O.ย  ย Ms. No.186, Finance (Loans and Advancesย Cell) Department, ย dated 8.7.2014.

* * * * *


Governmentย  ย directsย  ย that ย the ย rate ย of ย interestย  ย onย  ย variousย ย  ย kindsย  ย of ย loans ย and advances ย by the State Government ย during the year 2015-16 ย shall be as shown below:

Sl. No. Class ย of Loan ย / Advance Percent ย per annum ย for ย the year ย 2015-2016
1. Loansย toย Stateย ownedย Industrialย ย / Commercial Undertakings / Corporations, etc. including Financialย Corporations and all other Local Bodies and Municipal / Corporations:
(a)ย  ย Plan Schemes ย for development ย purposes 11.50
(b)ย  ย Other Schemes 11.50
(c)ย ย ย For capital formationย and development ย purposes 11.50
(d)ย ย ย For ย Working ย Capital Support 13.50
(e)ย  ย For Ways ย & Means ย advances,ย advances ย including ย loans to cover cash deficits 13.50
(f)ย  ย For Ways ย & ย Means ย advance ย to Tamil ย Nadu Civil ย Supplies Corporation ย Limited for Public Distribution ย System 10.00
2. Loans ย to ย Co-operativeย Institutions andย Co-operativeย Banksย ย like Land Development Bank 10.00
3. Loans ย to Governmentย  ย Servantsย ย 
(i) House ย Building ย Advance:
(a) ย For loans upto Rs.50,000/- ย 5.50
(b) ย For loans from Rs.50,001/-ย ย to 1,50,000/- ย 7.00
(c) ย For loans from Rs.1,50,001/- to ย 5,00,000/- ย 9.00
(d) ย Above ย Rs.5,00,000/- 10.00
ย (ii) Conveyanceย  ย Advance:
ย (a) ย For purchase of Motor car 11.50
(b) ย For purchase ย of Motor Cycle / Scooter ย 9.00
(c) ย For purchase ย of Bi-cycle ย 5.50
(iii)ย ย Other ย Personalย  ย Loans ย to Government Servants:
(a) ย For purchase ย of Computer 10.00
(b) ย Others 10.00
4. Other Items :
ย Loansย whichย areย notย coveredย ย inย anyย specificย category ย mentioned ย above 12.75
5. Value of Seized Stock under Essential Commodities Act 1995 ย  6.50
6. Penal ย Interest ย 2.50

2.ย  ย Theย  ย aboveย  ย ratesย  ย willย  ย be ย applicableย ย  ย forย ย  allย  ย loansย  ย andย  ย advancesย  ย being sanctioned ย during the year 2015-2016 ย and will have validityย  ย till the next revisionย  ย is ย done by the State Government.

3.ย  ย The ย rates of interest ย are general ย and will ย not applyย  to cases ย where ย reduced rates ย of ย interestย  ย have ย been ย sanctionedย  ย speciallyย  ย byย  the Governmentย  ย or where ย loans have been sanctioned ย by the Government ย free of interest.ย ย ย  The Government ย may also sanction Ways ย and Means advances ย at special ย rates ย of interest ย taking ย intoย  account,ย  ย the cost of borrowing ย of the Government.

4.ย  ย The ย mobilization ย advances ย to Contractors ย for World ย Bankย  assisted ย Projects wherein ย the standard ย bidding documentsย  ย provide ย for exemption ย from ย paying ย of interest are however exempted ย from payment of interest.

5. ย The penal ย interest ย on all overdue ย instalments ย of principal ย and interest willย  be at 2.50ย  ย per cent more than the normal rates of interest per annum.

6.ย ย  ย Except ย in ย the ย case ย ofย  loans ย toย  Governmentย  ย Servants,ย  ย interest ย in ย all cases unless ย specificallyย  ย indicated ย otherwise ย should ย beย  paid every ย Calendar ย quarter ย on the outstanding ย balance.

7.ย  ย Even ย at the ย stage ย of sanction ย ofย  loan,ย  ย in ย the ย sanction ย order, ย the ย period ย of repayment,ย ย  rate of interest ย and schedule ย of repayment with ย dates shall be indicated.ย  ย In case, ย it is ย aย  permanent ย loan,ย  aย specific ย mention ย of ย this ย fact ย should ย be ย made ย in the sanction ย order itself.



Download Govt of Tamilnadu G.O.No.213 dated 23.07.2015


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