Issues faced by the member of public due to restricted functioning of Post Offices

Issues faced by the member of public due to restricted functioning of Post Offices – Department of Posts Order dated 24.05.2021
File No.30-01/2020-D(Part2)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Operations Division
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 001
No: 30-01/2020-D (Pt.2)
Dated: 24.05.2021
All Head of Circles
Subject: Issues faced by the member of public due to restricted functioning of Post Offices — reg.
During the review of the mail operations, it has come to notice that a number of issues are being faced by the members of public due to restricted functioning of Post Offices or other issues, caused by the various restrictions imposed by the authorities to curb the prevalence of Covid-19.
2. Major issues faced by the member of public are regarding delay in delivery of articles especially international inbound/outbound parcels, non-display of information concerning restricted functioning of Post offices, non-Updation of article/bag status in the track & trace system and no response to the grievances of customers received through e-mail.
3. In order to avoid any inconvenience to the member of public, circles are requested to ensure the followings:
i. A notice may be displayed on the front door of the Post office indicating the restricted functioning of the Post offices due to Covid-19.
ii. The Counter PA while booking an international article must inform the customers at the time of booking that due to limited/restricted international fight operations owing to pandemic, delivery of the article at the destination may be delayed,
iii. Delivery POs should keep the article in deposit after recording proper remarks in the DPMS, if the delivery of the article is not possible due to lockdown in the area. Besides, transit mail offices must ensure the scanning of all bags so that the status of the bag movement is visible to the customer.
iv. Grievances received from the customers through e-mail or other channels should be acknowledged without any delay. An interim reply may also be sent to the customer that the grievance is being looked into ant Department will revert back with details. Besides, every effort should be made to settle the grievance at the earliest.
v. Priority may be given to accountable domestic & international articles i.e. Speed Post, EMS, Registered articles, eMO, etc. during processing & delivery.
4. Circles are therefore requested to issue necessary instructions to all concern so that the problems faced by the customers are addressed in a proper manner.
This issues with the approval of Member (O).
(Ajay Kumar Roy)
DDG (Mail Operations)