Information in respect of consultants hired by Ministries/ Departments of GoI: FinMin OM

Information in respect of consultants hired by Ministries/ Departments of GoI: FinMin OM
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010
F. No. Estt. Coord /3012/Circular/ Vol. IX
dated 25.05.2022.
All PCDAs/ PCA (Fys.)/CDAs
(through CGDA website/ email).
Subject: Information in respect of consultants hired by Ministries/ Departments of GoI — regarding.
Please find enclosed a copy of OM F. No. 25(15)/E.Coord/2022 dated 23.05.2022 from E Coord Branch, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance on the subject matter for necessary action.
2. It is, accordingly, requested to furnish the requisite information in the prescribed proforma latest by 26th May 2022. NIL report is also required.
(K V L Akshay)
ACGDA (Establishment Coord)
F.No. 25(15)/E.Coord/2022
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E.Coord Branch
North Block, New Dell
Dated 23 May, 2022
Office Memorandum
Subject: Information in respect of consultants hired by Ministries/Department. of GoI reg.
I am directed to enclose herewith a proforma, seeking information in respect of consultants hired by Ministries/Departments of Government of India.
All the Ministries/Departments are requested to provide the information as per enclosed Proforma at the earliest.
Encl: as above.
(Sunita Saxena)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India