IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Result 2018 Announced

IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Result 2018 Announced at ibps.in
IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Result 2018: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on Friday declared the result of online preliminary examination for recruitment of scale I officers in regional rural banks (RRBs) on its official website, ibps.in. IBPS RRB 2018 prelims exam for Officer Scale I was held on August 11, 12 and 18, while the exam for Office Assistant (Multipurpose) was conducted on August 19, 25 and September 1. Candidates who had appeared for IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Exam can check their results from the official website, ibps.in.
Click here to check IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Result 2018
IBPS has announced as many as 10,190 vacancies for the posts of Officers Scale I, II & III and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Qualifying candidates would be recruited at the 56 Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) which participate in the recruitment process of IBPS RRB. Out of the total 10,190 vacancies, a total of 5,249 are available for Office Assistant, while 3312 are for the post of Officer Scale I. 1429 vacancies are for Officer Scale II and 160 for Officer Scale III.
Candidates who clear the preliminary exam will have to appear for the main exam and shortlisted candidates will then be called for an interview.The main examination for officers Scale I will be held on September 30, 2018. The declaration of results will be done in October and the interview will be conducted in November. The provisional allotment of banks to successful candidates for officers scale I will be made in January 2019. All these dates are tentative.
How to check IBPS RRB Prelims Officer Scale I Result 2018?
- Log on to the official website of the IBPS, ibps.in
- On the main page, there will be declaration saying “Click here to IBPS Probationary Prelims Exam Result 2017′
- Click on the link and you will be directed to a new page
- Enter your details such as registration number, password and an image code
- Click on submit button
- Your result will be displayed on the screen
- Download and take print out for future use.
Bookmark this page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to refer to this page and check your results and other exam-related updates. All the Best!
Best wishes – Gconnect