IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, II, and III Mains 2018 score released

IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, II, and III Mains 2018 score released
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the scores of the Main exam for the RRB VII Officer Scale I recruitment and Phase I online exam for Officer Scale II (General Banking Officer and Specialist) and III recruitment. These exams were conducted on September 30th and the result was declared on September 17th. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can check their IBPS RRB scores from the official website, ibps.in.
Click here to check IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, II, and III Mains 2018 score
IBPS had released the notification for 10,190 vacancies on June 21st for CRP Regional Rural Banks (RRB) VII for the positions of Officer scale I, II, III, and Office Assistant. There were 5,549 vacancies for Office Assistant, 3,312 vacancies for Officer Scale I. The remaining of the 10,190 vacancies were for Officer Scale II and III.
How to download IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, II, and III Mains 2018 score?
- Visit the official website of IBPS, ibps.in
- Click on the notification for the IBPS RRB officer scale I, II, III scores.
- In the new window, enter registration number, roll number
- Scores will appear on the screen
- Download it and take a print out for further reference.
The candidates who have cleared this round for the Officer Scale I, Officer Scale II, and Officer Scale III have to appear for an interview before finally getting the appointment. The details of interview round will be made available within a few days on the official IBPS website.
For the post of office assistant (Multipurpose), marks obtained in the main exam will be considered for final merit list while in case of officer scale I, marks obtained in the interview and main will be considered for preparing the list
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Best wishes – Gconnect