Higher Start of Pay for posts of graduate Junior Assistants, Typists and Record Clerks

Tamil Nadu Pay Grievances – Clarification for Higher ย Start ย of ย Payย  for ย the ย posts ย of Graduate Juniorย Assistants/ Typists and Record Clerks orders issued

Finance ย (CMPC) ย Department,
Chennai ย – 600 009.

Letter ย No.2112/CMPC/2015 -1, ย dated:05-03-2015


Thiru.T.ย Udhayachandran,ย I.A.S.,
Secretary ย to Government.(Expenditure)


The Chief Civilย  ย Surgeon ย Medical ย Officer,
Governmentย  ย Peripheralย ย  Hospital,
Tondiarpet,ย ย  ย Chennai-600ย  ย 081.


Sub: Tamilย ย ย  ย Naduย ย  ย Revisedย ย  ย Scalesย ย ย  ย ofย ย  ย Payย ย ย  ย Rules,ย ย ย ย  ย 2009ย ย  ย – Recommendations of ย theย  ย Pay ย Grievanceย ย  ย Redressalย  ย Cellย ย  ย – Dispensationย ย  ย of ย Higher ย Start ย of ย Payย  for ย the ย posts ย of Graduate Juniorย Assistants/ Typists and Record Clerks orders issued – Request to clarify certain points about ย the eligibility of Higher Start of pay for the post of Typist – Reg.


  1. G.O.Ms.No.321, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 2-07-1998.
  2. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 01-06-2009.
  3. G.0.Ms.No.241,ย Financeย (Payย Cell)ย Department, dated: 22–07-2013.
  4. Your letter Ref.No.1255/TPH/2014, dated: 06-01-2015.

Iย ย am to invite your attention to the references cited.

2. ย Inย  ย your ย letter ย cited, ย a clarificationย  ย has been ย sought forย  ย as to ย whether graduate ย Typist is eligible for higher start of pay as the individual ย has joined duty before ย 01-04-2013ย ย and ย also ย raised presumption ย that ย all the ย graduate Junior Assistant/ Typist who have joined duty during the period ย from 01-01-2006 ย toย 31-03-2013ย are eligible for higher start of pay.

3. ย In ย this ย connection, ย I am to state that in the Government Order third ย cited, ordersย  have been issued to dispense the higher start of pay granted to the Junior Assistants/ย Typistsย  ย forย  ย possessingย  ย degreeย  ย qualificationย  ย withย  ย effectย  ย fromย 1-04-2013.ย ย ย ย ย  ย However,ย  ย in ย cases where ย higher ย start ย of ย pay ย has ย already been granted between 1-04-2013 ย to 22-07-2013, ย such cases need not be effected any recovery till the date of issue of the Government Order third cited, but the pay of the such individualsย shall be re-fixed to the minimum of the Pay Band ย (Pay+ ย Grade Pay) of the said posts and the excess pay sanctioned if any to ย the individualsย  ย fromย 23-07-2013 ย to till date shall be ย recovered from the individual concerned.ย  Further,ย I am ย also ย to ย clarify ย that ย the ย graduate ย Typist ย who ย joinedย  ย duty ย on ย or ย before 1-04-2013ย  ย and ย not ย sanctioned ย higher ย start ย of ย pay ย till ย the ย date ย of ย issue ย of Government Order third cited are also not entitled for the benefit of higher start of pay since the above concession has been dispensed with effect from 1-04-2013. Hence, ย I ย am to inform-that ย your presumption is not correct and the objection raised by the Pay and Accounts Officer (North) is in order.

Yours faithfully,

for Secretary to Government (Expenditure)

Download Letter ย No.2112/CMPC/2015 -1, ย dated: 05-03-2015 issued by TN Finance Secretary

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