Guidelines under BSNLMRS in view of Covid-19 pandemic

Guidelines under BSNLMRS in view of Covid-19 pandemic – Charges of RTPCR / Rapid antigen test, Treatment in non-empanelled hospitals etc
Corporate Office
Admin & PR Branch
1st Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
H.C. Mathur Lane, Janpath,
New Delhi-110001
No BSNLCO-ADMN/11(15)/2/2021-ADMN
Dated 3rd May 2021
All the CGMs/Unit Heads,
Sub : Guidelines under BSNLMRS in view of Covid-19 pandemic
In order to facilitate quick and smooth treatment to our employees during Covid-19 pandemic, following guidelines under BSNLMRS are issued
1. Visit of designated officer – There is a provision that in all cases involving hospitalization of two or more than two days, a designated officer of BSNL shall visit the hospital and give a prescribed certificate (Guidelines issued vide Order No BSNL/Admn.1/15-2/05(Pt.) dated 8th August 2005). Considering the infectious nature of this disease and to protect our employees from exposure to this virus while visiting the hospital, the requirement of visit of designated officer of BSNL to the hospital and giving the prescribed certificate is dispensed with for all the diseases. However, a random check may be made, if felt necessary. Further, all other instructions including attachment of a certificate by the concerned doctor identifying the patient in the copy of BSNLMRS Card as conveyed by this office OM No. BSNL/Admn.I/15-4/04(Pt) dated 15 10.2004 and authorization for indoor treatment shall be strictly followed
2. Treatment in non-empanelled hospitals – In normal circumstances, indoor treatment should be taken only from BSNL empanelled hospitals. As per the existing provisions in MRS policy “In emergency cases, the reimbursement will be allowed for treatment in non-recognized hospitals with the approval of CGM for field office employees and concerned Director of BSNL Board for C.O. employees The amount will be restricted to the CGHS rates applicable at Delhi”. However, in view of the present crisis in availability of treatment of Covid-19 in empanelled hospitals, the requirement of taking indoor treatment of Covid patients only from BSNL empanelled hospitals is dispensed with. However, the amount shall be restricted to the CGHS rates as decided for Covid-19.
3. Reimbursement of Tele-consultation – During this pandemic tele-consultation is preferred mode of consultation from a doctor. Hence, Tele-consultation by a registered medical practitioner from India, supported by duly signed/computer generated prescription on doctor’s letter head and accompanied by valid, printed (system generated) or signed receipt shall be valid.
4. Charges of RTPCR / Rapid antigen test – Charges shall be reimbursed against the production of valid receipt but without the need of medical prescription. However the rates shall be restricted to the prescribed sates by the concerned State Govt. In case no rate has been prescribed by the State Govt. the rates prescribed by the Govt of NCT shall be applicable. These charges shall be reimbursable as part of the annual ceiling for out-door limit under BSNLMRS
The above orders will be applicable w.e.f. 01.04.2021 and remain in effect for 6 months i.e. up to 30.09.2021 or till further orders, whichever is earlier. All other provisions of BSNLMRS shall be strictly followed.
(A M Gupta)
Sr GM (Admin)