Change in GPF advance and withdrawal payments to BSNL employees

Missing GPF Credit - Updated procedure for raising grievances

Implementation of new process of GPF advance and withdrawal payments to BSNL employees


Corporate Office,

CA Cell, 1st Floor,

Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,ย 

Janpath, New Delhi- 110001.

No. 500-57/2016-17/CA-I/Vol.VII (PT)

Dated 18.04.2017


The CGMs,

All BSNL Circles,

Sub:-Implementation of new process of GPF advance and withdrawal payments to BSNL employees- reg.

It has been decided that GPF advance and withdrawal payment to BSNL employees will be done through CCA office. The procedure to be followed through ERP system is enclosed herewith. It has been decided that after implementation of new process, no payment for GPF advance/withdrawal to BSNL employees shall be made by BSNL, all payments shallโ€be made by concerned Pr. CCAs/CCAS only. The implementation in the CCAs will be carried out in 2 phases, the schedule of the circles is tabulated below:

Sl.No. 1st Launch 2nd Launch
1 Assam Andman & Nicobar
2 Bihar Andhra Pradsesh
3 Chhattisgarh Jammu & Kashmir
4. Corporate Office Karnataka
5 Gujarat Kerala
6 Haryana Kolkata Telephones
7 Himachal Pradesh Maharashtra
8 Jharkhand Odisha
9 Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu
10 Rajasthan UP (East)
11 Uttaranchal UP (West)
12 West Bengal Others

The first launch will tentatively be held on 20th of April 2017 at West Bengal CCA, wherein the participants will also include Assam, Bihar, and Jharkhand. North and West zone will follow during the last week of April. The 2nd launch dates will be informed in due course of time. The respective circles are requested to coordinate with respective CCAs & make all necessary arrangements in this regard and confirm to this office for smooth implementation of new process PAN India.

(P D Chirania)


Download BSNL Circular No. 500-57/2016-17/CA-I/Vol.VII (PT) dated 18.04.2017