Festival Advance enhanced to State PSU and Statutory Boards

Tamilnadu State Government issued orders for enhancing Festival Advance from Rs.2000 to 5000 for State Public Sector Undertakings and Statutory Boards

Finance (BPE) Department,


Chennai โ€” 600 009

Letter No. 61925/Fin(BPE)/2012 dated 7.11.2012


Thiru. S.Krishnan, I.A.S.,

Secretary to Government (Expenditure)


The Chief Executive Officers of all

State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards.

Sin Madam,

Sub:ย Festival Advance – Enhancement of advance – orders issued – Extended to State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards – Regarding.

Ref: G.O.Ms.No. 388 Finance (Salaries) Dept. dt. 6.11.2012

ย ย  I am directed to enclose a copy of the G.O. cited where by the festival advance was enhanced from Rs.2000/- to Rs.5000/- and request you to adopt the above G.O. after placing the same before the Board of your Corporation/ Board provided the scheme of Festival Advance in Government pattern is already in vogue in your Corporation /Statutory Board. The expenditure on this has to be met only out of internal generations and not from external borrowings.

Yours faithfully,


for Secretary to Government (Expenditure)

Download Tamilnadu State Government Order No. 61925/Fin(BPE)/2012 dated 7.11.2012 for enhancing Festival advance to State PSU and Statutory boards

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