How to donate online to Kashmir flood affected People ?

This article provides an easy to use how to guide for donating online from our bank account to Kashmir flood affected People through Prime Minister National Relief Fund
The flood water may have receded but damage in Jammu and Kashmir is unprecedented in more than hundred years that would run into “many thousands of crores” as described by Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mr.Omar Abdullah.
Hundreds of people have died and it has wreaked havoc in the lives of many. Overflowing and breach in the embankments of the Jhelum and Chenab rivers have damaged infrastructure and homes, apart from the human casualties. There is a looming humanitarian crisis as thousands of survivors are at risk due to lack of food, water, medicine and safe shelter.
In the meantime, Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi has made an appeal to all Indians to donate generously to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) for the flood-affected people in Jammu and Kashmir.
Payment may be made by cheque /draft in the name of “Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund” and sent to the PMO (Address : South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110011, Phone +91-11-23012312 Fax +91-11-23019545,23016857)
There is no DD Commission in respect of demand drafts favouring the PMNRF.
We find that the more easiest way to donate to for the flood-affected people in Jammu and Kashmir, is by depositing to the fund online through your bank account. Donations as small as Rs. 100/- (with no upper limit) are accepted online in the Official Website of Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. These are the simple steps to donate online to PMNRF
1. Go to Official website of Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund –
2. Click the link in the Top menu titled as PM’s Funds and then select “Donate to PM National Relief Fund” link
3. You will be directed to the form for online payment (screenshot is given below)
4. Fill up Name and Address, Amount to be donated etc and click continue to pay button
5. Now you have to select the bank in which you have account from the list of banks available for making payment online to PM Relief Fund. (Almost all the nationalized Banks as well as private banks such as HDFC, ICICI, Yes Bank, etc have been included in this list)
6. After selection of bank, you will be redirected to the internet banking interface of your bank. On successful payment a receipt such as the one shown below will be displayed.
7. The transaction history can also be checked at any time by using payment history link given on the top menu of Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund official website
“We cannot do great things on this Earth, Only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Text of Prime Minister’s Speech:
“My Fellow Citizens, You are all aware that unprecedented floods have caused havoc in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. A large number of persons have died or have been temporarily displaced. Property and infrastructure worth crores of rupees have been damaged. Our fellow countrymen in Jammu and Kashmir need our help at this critical hour to tide over the calamity and to rebuild their lives.
The Central Government is extending full cooperation to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir in the measures for rescue, relief and rehabilitation besides, direct assistance to the affected people. I request all fellow countrymen to stand shoulder to shoulder with our distressed brothers and sisters in Jammu and Kashmir and be part of the national effort to support them in this hour of crisis.
I appeal to all citizens to donate generously to the Prime Minister`s National Relief Fund.”