Demand on Higher Military Service Pay (MSP) – Parliament Q&A

Demand on Higher Military Service Pay (MSP) – Parliament Q&A on 26.12.2018
In a written reply to a question regarding Military Service Pay in Parliament on 26.12.2018, the Minister of State for Defence Shri Subhash Bhamre said that the MSP was raised by the identical fitment of 2.57.
We reproduced the answer and given below for your information…
“Taking note of the rigours of military life, the VI Central Pay Commission (CPC) had recommended an additional, separate element of pay for the Defence Forces called Military Service Pay (MSP), which the CPC intended would also maintain the edge enjoyed by the Defence Forces over the civilian scales.
The VII CPC has consciously decided not to create additional categories of personnel for the grant of MSP or to disturb the slab rates for the four categories for which it is being paid up to the level of Brigadiers. This was done after considering the views of the Services in the matter. MSP was raised by the identical fitment of 2.57 which was applied for pay structure approved by the VI CPC. The recommendations of the VII CPC were accepted by the Government.
Government has recently approved a proposal to establish Armed Forces Special Operations Division which is designed as a tri Services organisation.”
High Court Direction on MSP
On 12th March 2018, question raised by a member in Parliament related to MSP. Whether Government is considering to grant Military Service Pay (MSP) equally to all ranks in the light of Hon’ble High Court’s direction in writ Petition No. 6607/2017 of ‘Voice of Ex-Servicemen Society’?
The concerned Minister replied as follows…
“Hon”ble Delhi High Court in its order dated 28th November, 2017 has not given any specific direction to grant Military Service Pay (MSP) equally to all ranks. It may be informed that the Hon’ble Court in its order mentioned that the conduct of the petitioners in withholding material information and at the same time, trying to invoke equities under Article 226 of the Constitution of India is deprecated.
The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) had considered all aspects with regard to applicability of MSP including the rates while making its recommendations. The Government after carefully considering the recommendations of the 7th CPC in respect of MSP has accepted the same and have already been notified.”
7th CPC Recommendation on MSP
7th CPC Report Para 5.2.22 says…
5.2.22 Military Service Pay (MSP): The defence forces personnel, in addition to their pay as per the Matrices above, will be entitled to payment of Military Service Pay for all ranks up to and inclusive of Brigadiers and their equivalents. The Commission recommends an MSP for the four categories of Defence forces personnel at ₹15,500 for the Service Officers, ₹10,800 for Nursing Officers, ₹5,200 for JCO/ORs, and ₹3,600 for Non Combatants (Enrolled) in the Air Force per month. MSP will continue to be reckoned as Basic Pay for purposes of Dearness Allowance, as also in the computation of pension. Military Service Pay will however not be counted for purposes of House Rent Allowance, Composite Transfer Grant and Annual Increment.
17.10 Military Service Pay (MSP): The Defence forces personnel will continue to be entitled to payment of Military Service Pay for all ranks up to and inclusive of Brigadiers and their equivalents. The MSP per month recommended is as follows:
i. | Service Officers | 15,500 |
ii. | Nursing Officers | 10,800 |
iii. | JCO/ ORs | 5,200 |
iv. | Non Combatants (Enrolled) in the Air Force | 3,600 |