Increase in DA from January 2016 for Tamilnadu State Govt Employees

DA To Board Level/Below Board Level Posts of CPSEs With Revised Pay Scales From 01.01.1997

6% DA Hike for TN State Government Employees from January 2016

Tamilnadu Government has increased the DA by 6% for State Government employees

dearness allowance from January 2016 increased for Tamilnadu State Government Employees



G.O.No.117, Dated 20.04.2016



ALLOWANCES ย โ€“ ย Dearness ย Allowance ย โ€“ ย Enhanced ย Rate ย of Dearnessย Allowanceย fromย 1stย Januaryย 2016ย โ€“ย Ordersย โ€“ย Issued.

READ – the following papers:

  1. G.O.Ms.No.262, Finance ย (Allowances)ย ย  Department, dated 16thย ย October 2015.
  2. From the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi, Office Memorandum No.1/1/2016-E-IIย (B),ย ย dated,ย 7th Aprilย 2016.


Inย  ย theย  ย Governmentย ย  Orderย  ย first ย readย  ย above,ย  ย ordersย  ย wereย  ย issued sanctioningย  ย revisedย  ย rateย  ย of ย Dearnessย ย  Allowanceย  ย toย ย  Stateย  ย Government employees as detailed below:-

Date from which payable Rate of Dearness Allowanceย (per month)
1stย July 2015 119 per cent of Pay plusย Grade Pay
  1. ย The Government of India in its Office Memorandum second read above has now enhanced ย the Dearness ย Allowance ย to its employees ย from 119% ย toย 125% with effect from 1stย ย January, 2016.
  1. ย Following ย theย  ย ordersย  ย issuedย  ย byย  ย theย  ย Governmentย  ย ofย  ย India,ย  ย the Government sanction the revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the State Government employees as indicated below:-
Date from which payable Rate of Dearness Allowanceย (per month)
1stย ย January,2016 125 per cent of Pay plusย Grade Pay
  1. The Governmentย  ย also ย direct ย that ย the ย aboveย  ย increaseย  ย in ย Dearnessย Allowance shall be paid in cash with effect from 01.01.2016.

5. The ย arrearsย  ย ofย  ย Dearnessย  ย Allowanceย  ย forย  ย theย  ย monthsย  ย ofย ย  January, February ย and ย March ย 2016 ย shall ย be ย disbursed ย in cash. ย  ย While ย working ย out the revised ย Dearness ย Allowance, ย fraction ย of a rupee shall be rounded ย off to next higher rupee if such fraction is 50 paise and above and shall be ignored if it is less than 50 paise.

  1. ย The Government also direct that the revised Dearness Allowance sanctioned above shall ย be ย admissible ย to ย full ย time ย employees ย who ย are ย at present getting Dearness Allowance and paid from contingencies at fixed monthly ย rateย  ย The revised ย rates of Dearness ย Allowance ย sanctioned ย in this order shall not be admissible to part time employees.
  1. ย The revised ย Dearness ย Allowance ย sanctioned ย in ย this ย orderย  shall ย also apply to the teaching and non-teaching staff working in aided educational institutions,ย ย  employees ย underย ย  localย ย  bodies, ย employees ย governedย ย  byย  ย the University ย Grants ย Commission/All ย Indiaย  Council ย for ย Technical ย Education scales of pay, the Teachers/Physical Education Directors/Librarians in Governmentย  ย andย  ย Aidedย  ย Polytechnicsย ย  andย  ย Specialย  ย Diplomaย  ย Institutions, Village ย Assistants ย in ย Revenue ย Department, ย Noon ย Mealย  Organisers, ย Child Welfare Organisers, Anganwadi Workers, Cooks, Helpers,ย ย  ย Panchayat Secretaries/Clerks in Village Panchayat under Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department and Sanitary Workers drawing special time scale of pay
  1. The expenditure shall be debited to the detailed head of account `03. Dearness Allowance’ ย under the relevant ย minor, sub-major ย and major heads of account.
  1. ย The ย Treasuryย  ย Officersย  ย /ย ย  Payย  ย andย  ย Accountsย  ย Officersย  ย shallย  ย make payment of the revised Dearness Allowance when bills are presented without waiting ย for the authorization ย from the Principal ย Accountant ย General ย (A&E), Tamil Nadu, Chennai-18.




Download TN Govt G.O.No.117 dated 20.04.2016.