DA for CPSE from 1.1.2014 – Employees with revision of pay in 2007
DA for CPSE from 1.1.2014 – DA increased to 90.5% for CPSE Employees with revision of pay in 2007
Subject:- Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 — Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding.
In modification of this Department’s O.M. of even No. dated 04.10.2013, the rate of DA payable to the executives and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs (2007 pay revision) may be as follows:
(a) Date from which payable: 01.01.2014
(b) Average AICPI (2001=100) for the quarter Sept-Nov’ 2013
September, 2013 | 238 |
October, 2013 | 241 |
November, 2013 | 243 |
Average of the quarter | 240.66 |
(e) Link Point 126.33 (as on 01.01.2007)
(d) Increase over link point: 114.33 (240.66 minus 126.33)
(e) Revised IA Rate w.e.f. 01.01.2014: 90.5% [(114.33 +126.33) x 100]
2. The above rate of DA i.e. 90.5% would be applicable in the case of IDA employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2007) as per DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2008, 09.02.2009 & 02.04.2009.
3. All administrative Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
Download CPSE Office Memorandum No. W-02/0002/2014-DPE (WC)— GL-I/14 dated 07.01.2014