COVID-19 Vaccination by Private Empaneled HCOs under AB-PMJAY, CGHS or SHIS

COVID-19 Vaccination by Private Empaneled HCOs under AB-PMJAY, CGHS or State Health Insurance schemes – Cost of the vaccines @ Rs 150/- per dose: DoH&FW
Government of India
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi – 110041
Vandana Gurnani, 1.A.S.
Additional Secretary & Mission Director (NHM)
D.O. No. 1920764/2020/Immunization
Dated: 27th February,2021
This is in reference to the next phase of Covid-19 vaccination that is to begin from the 1st March, 2021 for the next priority group that includes the citizens that are aged 60 years or more and those that are aged 45 years to 59 years with specified comorbidities.
As already conveyed, the private Hospitals that are empanelled under the AB-PMJAY, CGHS or the State’s Health Insurance schemes would also be COVIDI9 Vaccination Centres (CVC) along with the Government health facilities. The vaccination would be provided free of charge at the Government health facility while it would be on payment basis in the Private health facilities.
The service charge to be recovered by private hospitals acting as COVID Vaccination Centres would be subject to a ceiling of Rs.100/- per person per dose. In addition, private hospitals will recover Rs,150/- per person per dose as cost of vaccine dose. Hence, financial ceiling of the total amount recoverable by private hospitals is Rs.250/- per person per dose. It has also been informed that this arrangement will remain effective till further orders.
It is further informed that when the vaccines are handed over to the private empanelled hospitals under AB-PMJAY, CGHS or under the State Health Insurance schemes, the cost of the vaccines @ Rs 150/- per dose, is to be electronically deposited immediately by these hospitals, in the bank account of National Health Authority created in this regard.
The details of the account are as mentioned below:
Name of account: “National Health Authority Covid Vaccination”
State Bank of India
Main Branch New Delhi
Account No 40038441558
IFSC code SBIN0000691
Yours sincerely
Vandana Gurmani
Source: Department of Health and Family Welfare