180 days childcare leave for BMC employees

Employees of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) will now be entitled to 180 days of childcare leaves to look after their children up to the age of 18. The proposal has been submitted to the standing committee for its approval.
While the state government has already made a provision childcare leave, the BMC has now prepared to grant leaves to both, female as well as male employees who don’t have a wife or whose wife is ailing.
Employees can avail leaves in parts till the child reaches the age of 18 years. An employee can take a maximum of two months leaves in a year, but it has to be in a maximum of three parts. The leave is applicable for two children only and considered separate from other provided leaves. The leaves can also be combined with other leaves like pregnancy leaves. But employees have to complete one year service to avail the same.
Leader of the house in the BMC, Vishakha Raut, sent a letter to the administration to avail childcare leaves to female employees. Raut said, “Women forced to take leaves for various reason such as pregnancy, child care, sickness of a child, education of the child. But many times female employees are not able to take leaves due to financial reason also. So just like state government BMC should grant leave to its employees.”
Earlier, BMC employees were entitled to 730 days of special leaves to look after their disabled child. The move comes in after the Central and state government employees were given similar leaves. The BMC employees, many of whom have children with blindness, low vision, leprosy, hearing impairment, loco motor disability, mental hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities can avail the benefits of this leave.
Source: dnaindia