Change of name of “Allahabad Region” to “Prayaraj Region” in U.P Circle: DOP

Change of name of “Allahabad Region” to “Prayaraj Region” in U.P Circle: Department of Posts OM dated 31.12.2021
File No. 38-4/2021-PE-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Establishment Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 31st December, 2021
Subject: Regarding change of name of “Allahabad Region” to “Prayaraj Region” in U.P Circle.
The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of competent Authority to change the name of “Allahabad Region” to “Prayagraj Region” consequent upon change of name of Allahabad district to Prayagraj District.
2. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
3. The OM may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Assistant Director General (Estt.)
The CPMG, U.P. Circle
Copy to:
1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (P)/PPS to DG (Postal Services).
2. PPS to members, Postal Services Board.
3. PPS to AS&FA.
4, Secretary (PSB).
5. CGM, PLI/CGM, BD/CGM, Parcel Directorate.
6. All DDsG/Directors/ADsG in Postal Directorate.
7. Additional Director General, APS C/o 56, APO, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
8. DG P&T Accounts, Civil Lines, New Delhi-54.
9. GM, CEPT, Mysuru with a request to upload the OM on India Post Website.
10. All sections of Postal Directorate.
11. SO guard file.
(GuIshan Kumar)
Section Officer (PE-II)
Source: DOP