CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims Result 2019 Released

CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims Result 2019 Released; Check at
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has released the Result of the CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims Exam 2019 on its official website, CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims Examination was conducted on 07.05.2019. Candidates who had appeared in the CGPSC State Service (Prelims) Exam can check their result from the official website, or by clicking the link given below.
Total of 427 candidates have passed the CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims examination 2019. The qualified candidates will now have to prepare for the main exam. The date of the Main Examination will be announced later. Check the official website for latest updates.
How to check CGPSC Civil Judge Prelims Result 2019?
- Visit the official website,
- On the homepage, Click on the link “WRITTEN EXAM RESULT CIVIL JUDGE (ENTRY LEVEL) EXAM-2019”
- A PDF will open
- The PDF will contain the names or roll numbers of those candidates who have passed in this examination.
- Check the your name/roll number in that list
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Best wishes – Gconnect