Cadre management of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant: DOP Order

Cadre management of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant – Guidelines for making Circle a recruiting unit: Department of Posts Order dated 31.12.2021
No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
December 31st , 2021
a) All Chief Postmaster General
b) Chief General Manager , PLI/ Parcel / BD Directorate
c) Chief General Manager, CEPT / Director RAKNPA / Director of all PTCs
d) Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service
e) All General Manager (Finance) / Director Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: Cadre management of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant
I am directed to say that at present Circle is recruiting unit in respect of Postal Assistant in CO/RO, SBCO whereas in case of Postal Assistants in Postal Divisions and Sorting Assistant in RMS Divisions, Division is recruiting unit.
2. Cadre management of PAs and SAs have been reviewed and it has been decided that from recruitment year 2022, i.e. 01.01.2022 onwards, Circle shall be the recruiting unit for PAs in Postal Divisions I GPO and SAs in RMS Divisions. However, there shall be no change in appointing authority and disciplinary authority. Detailed guideline for making Circle a recruiting un it is enclosed at Appendix-I.
3. Above modifications will be brought to the notice of all concerned for their information and immediate implementation. All activities related to redefining the roster of PA of Postal Divisions and SA of RMS Divisions and calculation of vacancies for the year 2022 will be completed by 31st January, 2022.
4. Director(SPN) will be the nodal officer for implementation of revised system who can be contacted at Tel no. 011-23096092 for any clarification. In Circles, the DPS(HQ) concerned will be the nodal officer.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Guidelines for making Circle a recruiting unit for PA/SA of Postal / RMS Division
At present respective Division / GPO is recruiting unit for the cadres of Postal Assistant in Postal Divisions and Sorting Assistant in RMS Divisions. Consequently, vacancy calculation and maintenance of reservation register for these cadres are done at respective Divisions / GPO.
2. From the recruitment year 2022, i.e. from 01.01.2022 , Circle shall be the recruiting unit for Postal Assistants in Postal Divisions / GPO and Sorti!1g Assistants in RMS Divisions. However, Divisional Head shall continue to function as appointing authority and disciplinary authority, wherever prescribed, for these cadres.
3) Consequently, vacancy calculation and maintenance of reservation register for these cadres shall be done at Circle Office treating entire Circle as one unit.
4) Although , Circle shall be the recruiting unit, an official after allotment I appointment to I in a Division shall not be transferred outside that Division except on his own request (Inter Circle/Intra-Circle under Rule-38 of Postal Manual Volume IV) or in administrative interest (Rule-37 of Postal Manual Volume IV). Rotational transfer will continue to be done within Division.
5) Prerequisite for maintenance of reservation register at Circle level:
a) Circle shall obtain information of sanctioned strength of all Divisions (Postal/RMS) to reconcile the sanctioned strength of PA / SA for the entire Circle.
b) Circle shall obtain following details of the officials working in these cadres:-
Name | Date of birth | Category to which belong to | Category under which selected in the present cadre | Mode of recruitment (Promotion I Direct Recruitment) | Date of Joining |
c) Circle shall obtain information in respect of mode wise and category wise vacancy of different modes till 31.12.2021 which are yet to be filled and recruitment process is at various stages.
d) After obtaining all relevant details as above, separate Reservation Register shall be prepared for both these cadres and for each mode of recruitment within each cadre.
Explanation: In case of Postal Assistant, there shall be two reservation registers, one for direct recruitment and another for promotion (LDCE). Similarly; in case of Sorting Assistant, one register for direct recruitment and another for promotion (LDCE) shall be maintained.
6) For recruitment year 2022 (01.01.2022 to 31.12 .2022), Circle shall assess the vacancies, after taking into consideration the vacancies for which recruitment process has already been started [Point 5(c) to be referred] , and consequently decide vacancy for each mode of recruitment as prescribed in respective Recruitment Rules.
7) After assessing the recruitment mode-wise total vacancy, vacancy for reserve categories shall be assessed taking into consideration the category-wise vacancies for each mode of recruitment for which recruitment process has already been started [Point 5(c) to be referred].
8) As Circle will be recruiting unit and Divisional Head will continue to be appointing authority & disciplinary authority , wherever prescribed , Divisional Head shall submit foll9wing information by 5t of every month:-
- List of the officials relieved after promotion to higher grade in the preceding month.
- List of the officials relieved for deputation to other cadre in the preceding month.
- List of the officials relieved on transfer to join other unit I circle in the preceding month.
- List of the officials superannuated in the preceding month.
- List of the officials took Voluntary Retirement from Service (VRS) in the preceding month.
- List of the officials removed / dismissed / compulsorily retired from service m the preceding month.
- List of the officials resigned from service in the preceding month.
- List of the officials expired in the preceding month.
- List of the officials who left service for any other reason
9. Information received as above from all the Divisions shall be incorporated in the database maintained by the Circle.
10. Selection of candidates through examinations conducted by Department (other than through Staff Selection Commission / sports quota recruitment) upto the vacancy year 2021 will be done as per the prevailing instructions / procedures.
11. Candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for the vacancy years 2018 , 2019, 2020 & 2021 shall be allocated to Divisions, as per merit vis a vis order of preference exercised by the candidate subject to availability of vacancy in a Division, by treating Circle as a whole even though the vacancies were calculated Division-wise. Similarly, from 2022 recruitment year, since Circle as a whole shall be a single recruiting unit, allocation of candidates recommended by SSC to Divisions shall be as per merit vis a vis order of preference exercised by the candidate subject to availability of vacancy in a Division.
12. From 2022 recruitment year, selection of candidates through examinations conducted by Department shall be done by preparing a single merit list at Circle level for each cadre. After preparation of merit lists, selected candidates shall be allocated division as per merit vis a vis order of preference exercised by the candidate subject to availability of vacancy in a Division.
13. While allocating Divisions to candidates selected as per Para-11 & 12 above, Head of Circle shall take into consideration the working strength across Divisions to avoid any large scale staff imbalance. Circle shall publish the criteria I guidelines in this regard (within the overall framework given by Directorate) in public domain in advance for information of all concerned to ensure transparency.
14. As Circle as a whole shall be the recruiting unit for Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant, while considering transfer under Rule-38 , principles of category and mode of recruitment shall be observed for Circle as a whole and not w.r.t. individual Division I Unit. Accordingly , only in case of Inter-Circle transfer , category and mode of recruitment shall be applicable. No such limitations of category/ mode of recruitment shall be applicable in case of Intra-Circle transfer.
15. Reservation register for Postal Assistant in SBCO, COIRO, Foreign Post shall continue to be maintained as being done at present.
Source: DOP