BSNL Encashment of Leave to employees from Central Government

BSNL Encashment of Leave for Government employees working in BSNL onย deployment will be based on Encashment of Leave to be granted to Government Servants on theirย appointmentย in Central Public Sector Enterprises

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(A Govt. of Indiaย Enterprise)
Corporateย Office
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
H.C.M. Lane, New Delhi โ€”110001.

No. 1-13/2010-PAT(BSNL)

Dated the Dec., 2013

Sub: Encashment of Leave to be granted to Government Servants on theirย appointmentย in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) โ€” for Government employees working in BSNL onย deployment& subsequently get recruited in BSNL.

The undersigned is directed to endorse a copy of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions (Department ofPersonnel & Training) 0.M, No.14028/3/2011- Estt.(L) dated 24th May, 2011 forwarded by Ministry of Communications & IT,ย Department ofย Telecommunications, vide F.No.79-04/2013-SU dated 19th Sept.,2013 to all concerned for information and necessary action.

Encl : As above.

( A. Sinha )
Assistantย Generalย Manager (Pers-V)
Full Text of DOPT Office Memorandumย No.14028/3/2011- Estt.(L) dated 24th May, 2011 is as follows
NO. 14028/3/2011 -Estt(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department ofย Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, the 24th May, 2011.
Officeย Memorandum

Subject : Encashment of Leave to be granted to Government Servants on theirย appointmentย in Central Public Enterprises

The undersigned is directed to state that this Department has been receiving references from various Ministries/Departments seeking clarification regarding the entitlement to leave encashment onย appointmentย of Government Servants in Central Public Enterprises.
2. As per DoPT OM No. 2801615/85-Estt.(C) dated 3 1/1/1986,ย appointmentย of an officer in a Central Public Enterpriseย after acceptance of his technical resignation from Government is treated as immediateย absorption. As per the terms and conditions contained in this OM, a Central Governmentย Servantย taking appointmentย in the Central Public Enterprises on Immediate Absorption basis was entitled to encashment ofย Earned Leave to hisย creditย at the time of acceptance of his resignation from Government Service, subject to a limit of 180 days. Half Pay Leave stood forfeited. (The limit of Earned Leave which could be thus encashed was later raised to 300 days).
3. It is clarified that as per rule 39-D of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, the calculation of leave encashment in case of permanent absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central/State Government will be as per rule 39(2)(b) which has been amended videย Notificationย GSR 170 dated 1/12/2009 to read as under:-
The cash equivalent of leave salary under Clause (a) shall be ย calculated as follows and shall be payable in one lumpsum as a one-time settlement –
(i) Cash equivalent for earned leave ย = Pay admissible on the date of retirementย plusย Dearness Allowance admissible on that date

ย X Number of days of unutilized earned leave at credit subject to the total of earned leave and Half Pay Leave at credit not exceeding 300 days.
(ii) Cash payment in lieu of Half Pay Leave component ย = Half Pay Leave salary admissible on the date of retirement plus Dearness Allowance admissible on that date

ย X Number of days of Half Pay Leave at credit subject to the total of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave at credit not exceeding 300 days.
No commutation of Half Pay Leave shall be permissible toย make upย the shortfall in Earned Leave.4. All Ministries Departments may note for further action accordingly.

5. Hindi version will follow.

Download Circular 41 dated 13.12.2013 issued by BSNL

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