BPSC 63rd Civil Service Final Result 2019 Released

BPSC 63rd Civil Service Final Result 2019 Released; Check at bpsc.bih.nic.in
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the final results of 63rd combined competitive examination 2019 on its official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in. Candidates can check their result from the official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in. Shriyansh Tiwari has topped the exam and Anurag Kumar & Meraj Jamil are on the second and third place respectively on the merit list. BPSC has also released the cut off marks for different category candidates. The marks of the candidates who appeared in the main examination will be released on the official website of the commission soon.
Click here to check BPSC 63rd Civil Service Final Result 2019
Out of the 924 candidates who qualified in the mains, 824 appeared for the interview. BPSC has declared 355 candidates successful on the basis of the marks scored by them in the mains and the interview. The BPSC main examination was held on January 12 and January 13, January 15 and January 17, 2019. The interview of BPSC 63rd combined competitive examination was held from August 27 to September 15, 2019.
How to check BPSC 63rd Civil Service Final Result 2019?
- Visit the official website of BPSC at bpsc.bih.nic.in
- On the homepage, Click on the link “Final Results: 63rd Combined Competitive Examination”
- A Pdf page containing list of successful candidates, their roll number and merit serial will appear on the screen
- Check your roll number in that list
- Download and Take a print out for future use
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Best wishes – Gconnect