APPSC Group II Mains Result 2020 Released

APPSC Group II Mains Result 2020 Released; Check at
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the result of Group II Mains Exam on its official website, Candidates who had appeared in the exam can check their results online at Candidates who have cleared the main exam will have to appear for certificate verification and medical examination.
On the basis of the On-line Main Examination (CBT) held on 29-08-2019 & 30-08-2019 at 13 District centres in A.P. for various posts under Group-II Services General (Direct) Recruitment vide Notification No.25/2018, Dated:31-12-2018, subject to outcome of Court cases, pending, if any, the candidates with the following Registered Numbers have been provisionally admitted for the Certificate verification on Merit basis in the Ratio of 1:2 in terms and conditions of Notification which will be held in the O/o A.P.P.S.C., New HODs Building, 2nd Floor, M.G. Road, Opp. Indira Gandhi Municipal stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh-520010. The schedule of Certificate verification will be hosted on the Commission’s website and individual call letters (Memo) will be sent to candidates separately. A copy of the results can also be seen on the Commission’s website and also on the Notice Board of the Commission’s Office.
The candidates provisionally admitted for verification of certificates are required to produce the Original Certificates at the time of verification of documents on the same day, relating to Age, proof of age relaxation, Qualifications, Study Certificates, Integrated Community Certificate in case of reserved candidates, Non-creamy layer certificate in case of B.Cs from Revenue Authorities (As per G.O. Ms. No.3, Backward Classes Welfare (C-2) Department, Dt: 04-04-2006 and G.O.Ms.No.26, BC Welfare (C) Dept., Dt: 09-12-2013) who claim reservation under BC Community, Local Status certificate who migrated from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh, Sports Category, Ex-Servicemen and P.H. certificate in case of disabled candidates, etc., with reference to the particulars furnished by him/her in the Online Application Form/Certificates, failing which they will be treated as ineligible. The candidature of such candidate(s) shall be cancelled at any stage in the process of selection. The Commission has the right to disqualify any candidate, if he/she is not found eligible for any reason.
How to check APPSC Group II Mains Result 2020?
- Visit the official website,
- On the homepage, click on the link “Results Notification for Mains – Group-II Services – Notification No.25/2018”
- A Pdf file will open containing the roll number of selected candidates
- Check your roll number in that list
Bookmark this page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to refer to this page and check your results and other exam-related updates. All the Best!
Best wishes – Gconnect