Annual Inspection Programme of Members, PSB & Additional DG (Coord.) for 2021

Annual Inspection Programme (AIP) of Members, Postal Services Board & Additional DG (Coord.) for the Inspection year 2021 – Department of Posts order dated 01.01.2021
F.No. 16-01/2018-Inspn.(Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Inspection Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi, dated: 01.01.2021
Office Memorandum
Subject: Annual Inspection Programme (AIP) of Members, Postal Services Board & Additional DG (Coord.) for the Inspection year 2021
Consequent upon the decision of the Postal Services Board with regard to carrying out the annual inspection of 24 units (i.e. 23 Circles & RAKNPA) by on-site inspection and off-site review, in the backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic by Members PSB & Additional DG (Coord,), following AIP is issued with the approval of the competent authority:
a) 7 Circles will be inspected on-site in 2021 (Table A) as shown below:-
Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, North East, Punjab, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh Circles
b) Remaining 17 units (16 Circles & RAKNPA) will be reviewed off-site
(Table B). However, it will be the discretion of the inspecting authority to carry out physical inspection instead of review of the earmarked units, keeping the current pandemic situation at that time in view.
2. For the purpose of review, the Heads of the Circles may send their Inspection Report (in the months shown in Table B) after completion of their internal CO administrative inspection for 2021 along with the compliance to the last Inspection/ Review Report issued by Member PSB/ Addl DG (Coord.) to the concerned Inspecting Authority (Table B). The Review Report may accordingly be issued by the concerned Inspecting Authority.
3. Further, with respect to the Annual Inspection Programme of Members, PSB & Additional DG (Coord.) for the year 2021, I am directed to convey the following:
i. Inspection of unit may be completed in three working days.
ii. The inspection team (both on-site & off-site mode) will comprise of two members, viz. one ADG/ AD and one ASP/ IP from the Directorate.
iii. The Inspection Report/ Review Report may be issued within 30 days from the date of inspection/ receipt of internal CO administrative Inspection Report by the Inspecting Authority.
iv. Final compliance from the Circle will be submitted within one month from the date of receipt of Inspection Report, for which the concerned Member will follow up with the Circle and ensure compliance in a time bound manner, The secretarial assistance for the purpose will be provided by the Inspection Division.
4. Keeping the above in view, the following Annual Inspection Programme has been approved for 2021 in respect of units to be inspected both onsite and off-site by the Members, Postal Services Board & Additional DG (Coord.):-
Table A (Physical Inspection):-
S No. | Inspection Unit | Allotted to | Month in which inspection to be carried out | T’EAM MEMBERS | |||
The Inspecting Officer may select two out of four members for inspection | |||||||
(i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | (v) | (vi) | (vii) | (viii) |
1 | Karnataka | Member (Plg & HRD) | April | ADG (PO) | AD(Trg) | ASP(Trg) | IP (PO) |
2 | Kerala | Member (Tech) | September | ADG (Tech) | AD(PMU-I) | ASP(PMU) | IP (PMU) |
3 | North East | Member (Banking & DBT) | April | ADG (FS-II) | AD(SB-II) | ASP(FS) | IP (PBI) |
4 | Punjab | Additional DG (Coord) | September | ADG (Inv) | AD(Phil) | ASP(Estates) | IP (PG) |
5 | Maharashtra | Member (PLI) | July | ADG (BD&M) | AD(VP) | ASP(PLI Dte.) | IP (PMU) |
6 | Madhya Pradesh | Member (Operations) | October | ADG (MO) | AD(VP) | ASP(MB) | IP (BD) |
7 | Assam | Member (P) | January | ADG (DE) | AD(VP) | ASP(SPG-II) | IP (Vig) |
TABLE B (Inspection by review at Directorate itself):
S No. | Inspection Unit | Allotted to | Month in which inspection to be carried out | T’EAM MEMBERS
The Inspecting Officer may select two out of four members for inspection |
(i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | (v) | (vi) | (vii) | (viii) |
1 | Haryana | Member (Plg & HRD) | June | ADG (Trg) | AD(CSS) | ASP(WS & MR) | IP (Trg) |
2 | Chhattisgarh | July | ADG (RB) | AD(PCC) | ASP(Vig) | IP (PO) | |
3 | Tamil Nadu | September | ADG (Trg) | AD(SPG-II) | ASP(Trg) | IP (Trg) | |
4 | Odisha | Member (Tech) | May | ADG (Tech.) | AD(PMU-I) | ASP(PMU) | IP (PMU) |
5 | Uttarakhand | June | DD(PMU) | AD(Tech) | ASP(PCC) | IP (Tech) | |
6 | Gujarat | October | DD(PMU) | AD(PMU-II) | ASP(DA) | IP (Tech) | |
7 | Jammu & Kashmir | Member (Banking & DBT) | May | ADG (RB) | AD(FS) | ASP(FS) | IP (PBI) |
8 | West Bengal | July | ADG (DBT/DARPAM) | AD(PMLA) | ASP(RB) | IP (FS) | |
9 | Rajasthan | Additional DG (Coord) | October | ADG (Phil) | AD(CCS) | ASP(Phil) | IP (PO) |
10 | Bihar | March | ADG (IM-M) | AD(Phil) | ASP(PG) | IP (Insp) | |
11 | Uttar Pradesh | Member (PLI) | September | ADG (PBI) | AD(PCC) | ASP(PE-II) | IP (PG) |
12 | Delhi | September | ADG (IM-II) | D.O(PMLA) | ASP(Vig) | IP (Inv) | |
13 | Andhra Pradesh | October | ADG (PBI) | AD(CSS) | ASP(PCC) | IP (MB) | |
14 | RAKNPA | Member (Operations) | April | ADG (Mktg) | AD(Trg) | ASP(MB) | IP (MB) |
15 | Telangana | May | ADG (BD&M) | AD(VP) | ASP(BD) | IP (Mktg) | |
16 | Himachal Pradesh | Member (P) | June | ADG (GDS/PCC) | AD(SPG-II) | ASP(Vig) | IP (Vig) |
17 | Jharkhand | August | ADG (GDS/PCC) | AD(SPG-I) | ASP(SPN-II) | IP (Vig) |
5. The inspection schedule indicated in Table A & B above shall be reviewed in March 2021, keeping in view the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic at that time.
6. I am also directed to intimate that further orders for the team members before initiating the on-site inspection may be issued by the office of Members PSB/ Addl. DG (Coord.) on the strength of this OM.
7. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
AD (Inspection)