Amendment to Rule 147(16) of POSB CBS Manual and Rule 16 of POSB Manual Volume II

Amendment to Rule 147(16) of POSB CBS Manual and Rule 16 of POSB Manual Volume II: Department of Posts Order dated 05.11.2021
SB Order No. 34 / 2021
File No. FS-10/17/2020-FS-Part(l)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 05.11.2021
All Head of Circles / Regions
Subject: Amendment to Rule 147(16) of POSB CBS Manual and Rule 16 of POSB Manual Volume II – Regarding.
Postmaster General, Chhattisgarh Circle, Raipur in his DO letter No. SB/2•27/Public Grievance dated 20.10.2021 expressed the difficulties in implementation of Rule 147(16) of POSB (CBS) Manual which is relating to fixing of separate business hours for agents and suggested to consider the revision of the said rule.
2. The issue was examined in detail in this office and accordingly it is decided to amend the provisions of Rule 147(16) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB Order No. 09/2018 dated 17.07.2018 and Rule 16 of POSB Manual Volume II. The texts of the amended provisions are given below.
Rule / Para No. | Text of the Amended provisions |
Rule 147 (16) of POSB CBS Manual and Rule 16 of POSB Manual Volume II | Facilities to be provided to agents by the Post Office: – A separate business hours for acceptance of business from agents during the business hours of the post offices shall be fixed by the authority competent to issue Notice of Hours of Business, according to the local convenience of the post office, in order to ensure that the agents can come and transact their business during these hours. It should be ensured that under no circumstances, service to the general public is affected due to fixing of separate business hours agents. Further the Postmasters shall also accept the agents’ transactions beyond the hours fixed for agents during the business hours, whenever there is no rush at the counter for transactions. The agents should be provided cooperation by postal staff whenever they attend the post office to transact their business during business hours fixed for them. They should be treated with all courtesy and allowed to come inside the post office public hall during their business hours. |
3. This may be circulated to all the Offices for information and necessary actions.
4. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Asst. Director (SB-I)
Source: DOP