Submission of Agenda Points for NC (JCM) and Standing Committee – BPMS

Submission of Agenda Points for the meeting of the National Council – JCM and Standing Committee: BPMS
No.: NCC/Aenda (4/1/L)
Date: – 31/01/2021
Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra
Secretary National Council Staff Side
13-C Feroz Shah Road
New Delhi 11001
Subject: Submission of Agenda Points for NC (JCM) and Standing Committee.
Reference: Your letter No. NC-JCM-2019, dated 11th January 2020
Respected Sir
With due regards the enclosed agenda points are submitted for the meeting of the National Council – JCM and Standing Committee of NC – JCM.
Thanking you.
Sincerely Yours
Member National Council
Agenda Points for National Council JCM meeting
1- Availability of option to switch over to 7th CPC pay scales after the date of Gazette Notification of CCS (PR) Rules 2016. If an employee gets Promotion/Financial up gradation after notification date i.e. 25th July 2016.
2- Night Duty Allowance should be paid to authorised category worker in Railway & Defence without ceiling according to 7th CPC Pay Scales.
3- Trade union activities should be allowed in Hospitals/Training Esttd./Station HQ under Ministry of Defence.
4- Important Office Bearers of Registered Trade Unions should be granted the status of “Protected Workman” under the provision of the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 and Industrial dispute (Central) rules, 1957.
5- “Head of Departments” should be empowered to decide the “ Hazardous Operations” for the purpose of Payment of “Risk allowance” in Min of Defence.
6- All the vacant posts in Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’ should be filled up without further delay.
7- CGEGIS benefits should be enhanced so that minimum insurance be enhanced to Rs 15 Lakh.
8- Medical Cashless facility should be extended to all the serving employees.
9- DOP&T should clarify that promotion/up gradation granted under the ACP scheme in the post to those grades which now carry the same grade pay/level due to merger of pay scale/ up-gradation of posts recommended by the 7th CPC shall be ignored for the purpose of granting up-gradation under MACP.
10- Grant of One Increment on notional basis regarding calculation of all pensionary benefits to the employees retiring on 30th June and whose DNI is 1st July.
11- Cadre review of MTS employees under Min of defence for providing opportunity of promotional avenues.
12- Govt has decided Benchmark ‘Very Good’ for the purpose of MACP on the recommendation of 7th CPC. The decision has led to exploitation of employees. Therefore the decision should be considered for MACP.
13- Employees should be given option to Opt MACP whether from 01-01-2006 or 01-09-2008 whichever is more benefits to them.
14- All the employees should be granted the benefits of old pension scheme viz CCS (pension) rules 1972 if their appointments are based on the vacancies notified prior to 01-01-2004 viz the date of implementations of National Pension System (Earlier Known as New Pension System). It is worth to mention here that various Hon’ble CATs/High Court have delivered Judgements in favour of likewise employees.
15- Govt is the largest litigant of this country. To reduce the litigation the benefits under Judgement pronounced in a matter should be extended to all similarly placed employees.
16- Correlation of hourly rate of industrial workers (Piece Worker) of OFB based on 7th CPC Pay Scale with effect of 01/01/2016.
17- Scrap New Pension Scheme (NPS) and reintroduce the Old Pension Scheme CCS Pension Rule 1972.
18- 5% recruitment quota should be enhanced for all dependents of deceased employees of Central Govt. and with the giving one time relaxation to all awaited dependents should be provided Job.
19- On the matter of Corporatisation of OFB under working ministry of Defence should be reviewed and after restructuring these ordnance factories kept in the govt. entity.
20- The order of Corporatization to railway workshop returned back. Private sector should be kept out from railway and operation of railway should be kept as a government entity so that interest of economically weak citizens of India could be protected.
21- The decision of GOCO model of EME Base Workshop under MOD should be stopped and provide the workload to EME base work shop. Issue necessary orders to provide spare parts timely.
22- In various departments under MOD so many workers have been replaced and reverted on the behalf of restructuring, transferred employees are facing troubles in other places. Some institutions have been closed or merged. Therefore necessary action should be taken to stop these activities in DGQA, DRDO and EME.
23- Policy formation for direct recruitment of trained trade Apprentice of Railway & Defence as per the amended provision of section-22 of apprentice act 1961.
24- MACP should be provided in promotional hierarchy instead of next pay level.
25- The Government employee should be permitted to change their Hometown / Permanent Address on two occasions instead of one.
Source: BPMS